Walton Goggins credited as playing...
Boyd Crowder
- Boyd Crowder: I asked him to shut down his poison factory and merely made an observation about its combustibility.
- Boyd Crowder: What brings you to my house?
- Raylan Givens: Oh, this is your house now?
- Boyd Crowder: Why, yes, prison is my home.
- Raylan Givens: You didn't happen to bring your rocket launcher, did you?
- Boyd Crowder: I didn't think to pack one.
- Boyd Crowder: Raylan, with all of this man power, are you looking for Osama Bin Laden? I'm fairly certain he's not here.
- Boyd Crowder: Could you ask your friends to be a little more gentle with our belongings?
- Raylan Givens: Well, I could, but they're looking for a witness to murder, so I don't think they'll listen.