Italian disco music - if you grew up in that time - especially in Europe - you could have missed that craze. And I don't think it was a bad time - not at all. Crazy and fun music for everyone. Seemed to transport and convey the joy of life.
But the documentary has even more to say than just that. I personally would have been content to just listen to the music - the glori-a(s) music they produced back then - no pun intended. Actually the running time is not long enough. There is so much to unpack here that one hour barely touches the ... surface of the time back then. But it still is more than nice enough - and gives quite a few insights on how everything was built (not that it was planned - you never can plan anything like that - but you can try to guide the craze ... a little bit) ... many great songs, though most are actually italian language, unlike my pun from above.