Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Simon Pegg: Scotty
Scotty : If it isn't Captain James Tiberius Perfect-Hair!
[to Keenser]
Scotty : Did you hear that? I called him "Perfect-Hair".
James T. Kirk : Where are you?
Scotty : Where are you?
James T. Kirk : Are you drunk?
Scotty : What I do on my private time is my business, Jim.
Scotty : Wait. Jim, if we go in there, we'll die! Do you hear me? The radiation will kill us! Will you listen to me? Look, what the hell are you doing?
James T. Kirk : I'm opening the door. I'm going in.
Scotty : The door's there to stop us from getting irradiated! We'd be dead before making the climb!
James T. Kirk : [quietly] You're not making the climb.
[Kirk knocks out Scotty and enters the chamber]
James T. Kirk : [asking Scotty to investigate the coordinates Khan gave him] I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for, but I have a feeling you'll know it when you see it. You may have been right about those torpedoes.
Scotty : [surprised at Jim's admission] I will consider that an apology. And I will consider that apology.
Scotty : [Kirk and Bones return to the Enterprise on Nibiru] Do you have any idea how ridiculous it is to hide a starship on the bottom of the ocean?
Scotty : Welcome aboard.
James T. Kirk : It's good to see you too, Scotty.
Khan : You need to find the manual override to open that airlock.
Scotty : Are you crazy? Whoever you are.
James T. Kirk : Just listen to him, Scotty. It's gonna be all right.
Scotty : It is not gonna be all right. You want me to open an airlock into space, whereupon I will freeze, die and explode!
Scotty : No! I'm not signing anything! Now get these bloody things off my ship!
[sees Kirk]
Scotty : Captain!
James T. Kirk : Is there a problem, Mr. Scott?
Scotty : Aye, sir! I was just explaining to this gentlemen that I cannae authorize any weapons on board this ship without knowing what's inside them!
Spock : Mr. Scott raises yet another point that le...
James T. Kirk : Report to the bridge.
Spock : Captain.
[leaves the engineering room]
James T. Kirk : Mr. Scott, I understand your concerns but we need these torpedoes on board!
Scotty : Due respect, sir, but photo torpedoes run on fuel, now I cannae detect the type of fuel that's in the compartments on these torpedoes because it's shielded. Now I asked for the specifications but he says...
[gestures to Torpedo Security]
Torpedo Security : It's classified.
Scotty : [repeating exasperatedly] It's classified. So I said; no specs, no signature!
Sulu : [from deck above] Captain, flight checks complete, we're good to go, sir.
James T. Kirk : Thank you, Mr. Sulu.
Sulu : Yes, sir.
Scotty : Now if you'll excuse me, sir, I have a warp core to prime.
[walks away]
Scotty : [to Keenser] Get down!
Bones : Jim, your vitals are way off...
James T. Kirk : Report to the medbay.
[follows Scotty to the warp core]
James T. Kirk : Scotty! I need you to approve those weapons.
Scotty : [gesturing to the warp core] Do you know what this is, Captain?
James T. Kirk : I don't have time for a lecture, Scotty!
Scotty : [more forcefully] Do you know what this is?
James T. Kirk : [sighs] It's a warp core.
Scotty : It's a radioactive catastrophe waiting to happen. A subtle shift in magnetic output from, say, firing one or more of six dozen torpedoes with an unknown payload could set of a chain reaction which would kill every living thing on this ship, letting these torpedoes on the Enterprise is the last straw!
James T. Kirk : What was the first straw?
Scotty : What was the...
Scotty : -there are plenty of straws, how about Starfleet confiscating my transwarp equation, and now some madman is using it to hop across the galaxy! Where'd you think he got it from!
James T. Kirk : We have our orders, Scotty.
Scotty : That's what scares me... this is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Cause I thought we were explorers. I thought we...
James T. Kirk : Sign for the torpedoes. That's an order.
Scotty : Right. Well you leave me no choice but to resign my duties.
James T. Kirk : Oh come on, Scotty.
Scotty : You're giving me no choice, sir!
James T. Kirk : You're not giving me much of a choice!
Scotty : I will not stand by and...
James T. Kirk : You're just making exceptions, sign for the...
Scotty : [forcefully] Do you accept my resignation or not?
James T. Kirk : I DO!... I do. You are relieved Mr. Scott.
Scotty : [after a long pause] Jim... for the love of God, do not use those torpedoes.
[hands Kirk his PADD and walks away, Keenser does the same]
Scotty : Whoa, whoa, hold on now, Captain! This door is very wee, I mean, you know, small. It's four square meters, tops. It's gonna be like jumping out of a moving car, off a bridge, into your shot glass!
James T. Kirk : It's okay, I've done it before.
[Khan looks quizzically at him]
James T. Kirk : Yeah, it was vertical. We jumped onto a... it was a... It doesn't matter, Scotty.
Scotty : Hold on, wee man! You're talking about an active volcano! Sir, if that thing erupts, I cannae guarantee we can withstand the heat!
James T. Kirk : The minute we get to the bridge, drop him.
Scotty : What, stun him? Khan? I thought he was helping us.
James T. Kirk : I'm pretty sure we're helping him.
Scotty : Do you have any idea how ridiculous it is to hide a starship on the bottom of the ocean? We've been duwn here since last night! The salt water's gonna ruin the...
James T. Kirk : Scotty! Where's Spock?
James T. Kirk : Scotty, you good?
Scotty : It's not easy! Just give me two seconds, all right, you mad bastard!
James T. Kirk : Scotty, how we doing over there?
Scotty : Captain, I wish I had better news. They've locked out access to the ship's computer. They'll have full weapons in - three minutes. That means next time I won't be able to stop them destroying the Enterprise. Stand by.