Olive's family members are all named after foods: her parents' names are Dill and Rosemary, both herbs; her younger brother's name is Chip, and the brother at college is named Kale. The fact that her name, Olive, is also something edible is the subject of a joke in the movie.
All the webcam and narration scenes were shot in one day. Emma Stone had a 14-hour day of simply staring at a camera doing every single webcam and narration scene for the entire movie. Every so often she would have to walk around outside to stretch her muscles from sitting so long.
The conversation between Olive and Todd about the penalty for removing his costume head at DisneyWorld was inspired by a lawsuit televised on the CourtTV channel. A family who had been robbed in the Disneyland parking lot sued Disney Parks and Resorts, partly claiming that their children had been further traumatized by the sight of character performers with their costume heads off while being escorted to the backstage security office.