This game has become a meme because despite its lackluster visual appeal it was presented as one of the first next-gen titles. Surely this is not a big budget game, and it shows in the crude graphics and very simplistic gameplay, but the developers did a great job with what they had.
You are a journalist investigating the mysteries on the island where the bugsnax live, and while doing so you get to know the quirky inhabitants. It is basically a first-person monster-catching game, where the focus is put on the technique used to capture the creatures. The player has to use various devices, including traps and lures, in order to succeed. The setup required for each capture depends on the monsters: some require a bit of problem solving, but nothing too complicated.
I enjoyed how relaxing the game is, between exploration and chats with the villagers, and the sound department is also quite good: cute SFX, catchy music. The plot is also surprisingly intriguing, with a mind-blowing finale.