Craig Horner credited as playing...
Richard Cypher
- King Gregor: My kingdom is being terrorized by a vicious beast that's ravaging our countryside, and I need your help to destroy this monster.
- Richard Cypher: Tell me where to find this beast.
- King Gregor: You already have. It's me.
- Richard Cypher: Can't you lift the curse?
- Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander: Only the one who made it can break it. I'll go to Agaden Reach and try to reason with Shota.
- Marius: Are you sure? Few who have gone there have ever returned.
- Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander: I know. I'm one of those few.
- King Gregor: And if you fail? What then? I can't bear the thought of killing another innocent person.
- Richard Cypher: While Zedd's gone, I'll watch over you and keep you from harming anyone.
- Marius: How? The monster can break through our strongest chains.
- Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander: I may have a few tricks that your blacksmith doesn't.
- [first lines]
- Richard Cypher: [the two of them fleeing before swarm] Run, Kahlan, run!
- Kahlan Amnell: Did we lose them?
- Richard Cypher: I think so.
- Kahlan Amnell: Those bees were more relentless than the Dragon Corps.
- Richard Cypher: [palm full of sweetness] So much work for so little honey.
- Richard Cypher: [magical iron collar] So all we have to do is get this thing around the beast's neck?
- Kahlan Amnell: I think Marius can help with that.
- Marius: [confessed] How may I serve you?
- Kahlan Amnell: You're going to be the bait.