89 of 170 found this mild
In an attempt to be let inside a safe place, a frog offers to let Rango kiss his sister.
Rango asks for urine samples and a latte and says not to get them mixed up.
Rango says that he wants to play a great lover on stage, he has the bare torso of a broken Barbie doll in his terrarium, he sits next to it, puts his arm around it, and he asks, "Are those real?"
Two female characters, a fox and a lizard, call each other "slut,tramp, floozy and trollop
A horned toad says that problems are like mammograms, but he does not explain further.
Bad Bill threatens a chicken and says that he'll cut off the chicken's head to use to wipe off his unmentionables.
A large female toad and a large female groundhog wear dresses that reveal substantial human-like cleavage.
A female fox wears a tight, one-piece swimsuit garment that reveals a cleavage and thigh-high hose.
56 of 105 found this mild
In a sad scene, after a fallout, Rango attempts suicide by crossing a busy road commotion. This can sadden many people.
Rango spills some cactus juice and a fly drinks some then falls dead and it's eye pops out.
The movie has a old western theme, there are a lot of guns shown and used, including a few standoffs. The violence in the movie is portrayed in a very innocent way, such as, if a character is shot, there is no bloody aftermath, the character would just stand up and act like they just scrapped their arm. There is no blood or wounds shown in response to characters getting shot or hurt.
Many characters are harmed in the movie:
- A car runs over a armadillo, the accident is not seen but later you see Rango try to help the armadillo stand and there is a flat spot in the middle of the armadillo's body where the car ran over him.
- A character gets shot in his arm during a standoff but in response acts fine
- A snake squeezes a character and tells the her that he wants to watch her die
- A character claims that when the snake's character comes into town he won't leave without taking a soul with him
There is a lot of talk of death and in one scene they show a dead body:
- A character is grabbed by an eagle and the eagle flies away, assuming the character is eaten by the eagle
- Rango kills bird by the tower (as seen in trailer)
- Rango and a few other characters find a dead body and the doctor claims the dead character died by drowning and the doctor closes the dead character's eyes
- Many characters use bats to chase after Rango and some townspeople, when the bats are shot or crash they combust in fire
- A snake drags a character away and says how soon people won't know he even existed
77 of 134 found this mild
Rattlesnake Jake is choking Beans, and says to her "SIGN THE DAMN PAPER WOMAN!" Beans looks at Rattlesnake Jake and says "GO TO HELL!!!" before being strangled.
One use of "sod buster" and in the background someone says "what the crap" but it's very hard to hear and not in the subtitles.
1 incomplete son of a bitch, 10 hells, 2 damns, 1 Spanish word for balls.
55 of 107 found this moderate
There is one mention of someone dying from getting drunk and falling down a mineshaft.
Beans says that her father loved to smoke.
Rango eats a bit of powder from a jar and is then told that he's eating cigarette ashes.
A lot of characters smoke cigars, in one specific scene a character blows smoke in Rango's face, in return Rango chokes on the smoke, in return Rango takes his cigar and eats it.
One character chews tobacco, in one scene Rango blatantly tells the character that some tobacco is on his beard. The chew stain is scene on his beard the rest of the movie.
Many characters drink "cactus juice". In one scene Rango walks into a Saloon and sees many characters acting drunk and some passed out at tables assuming from the "cactus juice". The "cactus juice" are in shapes of bottles and are poured in shot glasses. Characters, including Rango, are seen drinking it.
58 of 99 found this moderate
In a comical tone, the singing owls keep saying to the audience how Rango would die throughout the entire movie.
A small fly drinks from a spilled "cactus juice" puddle at the bar. It immediately flips over dead, and one of it's eyes pop out of it's head. Brief, but could be disturbing.
There is a character who has an arrow through his eye and exiting the back of his head, the character is seen by Rango who jokes about it.
In a comedic way, the singing owls sing and play instruments hanging from the ceiling with a noose around their necks singing about how the robbers are going to be hung
The character of Rattlesnake Jake may be scary to some young children. He does have a Gatling gun at the tip of his tail where the rattle would be and threatens to kill (and to enjoy killing) the sympathetic characters.
Rattlesnake Jake coils around the Mayor and drags him off, screaming. He also strangles Beans into unconsciousness while threatening her death. May be unsettling.