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Hannah flashes Eli, but only seen from the back and hidden by a towel.
Characters have sex; her bare back seen.
Character seen in her panties ( no nudity )
A girl showing her bare buttocks to her boyfriend, only partial seen.
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A woman is suddenly pulled underwater. Actual drowning death is offscreen.
A man is in a high-speed single car wreck, the car violently flips/rolls over at least a dozen time with him inside (he wore his seatbelt). After the car stops rolling we see his bloody and broken body and face, bones protruding through skin in some places, but he is still alive. The car explodes with him trapped inside.
A girl has a violent seizure, which includes foaming at the mouth, and dies as a result.
A girl being chased accidentally falls into a pit that she can't climb out of. Dead arms burst through the dirt and hold her as the pit fills w/sand and buries her.
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Plenty of fuck, shit, hell, bitch, bastard.
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Characters smoke cannabis and tobacco, and drink beer and spirits.
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A girl lowers and raises her head suddenly, showing a disfigured face.