Priah Ferguson credited as playing...
Erica Sinclair
- Eddie Munson: [looking at Erica] Absolutely not.
- Dustin Henderson: You asked for a sub. We delivered.
- Eddie Munson: This is Hellfire Club. Not Babysitting Club.
- Erica Sinclair: I'm 11, you long-haired freak.
- Eddie Munson: My, my, the child speaks.
- [stands up from the chair and walks over to Erica]
- Eddie Munson: So, what's your name, child?
- Erica Sinclair: Erica Sinclair.
- Erica Sinclair: [chuckles] So this is Sinclair's infamous sister.
- Erica Sinclair: [looks at Dustin and Mike] He's sharp.
- [other members of the club laugh]
- Eddie Munson: [glances at the members laughing and they stop]
- Eddie Munson: What's your class and level? Level one dwarf?
- [other members of the club laugh again]
- Erica Sinclair: My name is Lady Applejack. And I'm a chaotic good half-elf rogue, level 14. And I will sneak behind any monster you throw my way and stab them in the back with my poison-soaked kukri. And I'll smile as I watch them die a slow, agonizing death. So, we gonna do this, or we gonna keep chitchatting like this is your mommy's book club?
- [pause]
- Eddie Munson: [reaches his hand to Erica] Welcome to Hellfire.