Roger Kumble directed Cruel Intentions (1999), a film with a plot often compared to the one of Anna Todd's After. Selma Blair, who plays Carol Young, also starred in Cruel Intentions as Cecile Caldwell.
Author Anna Todd confirmed on her social media accounts that she wrote the script for this movie, promising fans of the books that the film's sequels would stay truer to the books. She also confirmed that in her new contract, this film would be rated R. Many speculations have surfaced about whether or not the production company would change, as well as the director, who was said to not be returning by a producer of the film(s).
Cameo: Anna Todd: During the beginning of the nightclub scene, Anna Todd is the author being asked which books they've written.
Peter Gallagher, who played the role of Ken Scott in the first movie was replaced by Rob Estes.
Unlike the first movie, AWC is rated R.