Aidan Quinn credited as playing...
Gerry Moore
- Gerry Moore: That is the final straw, Poppy! You are going to England!
- [to the partying brats:]
- Gerry Moore: Out! Out!
- Poppy: Yawn! The boarding school threat again!
- Gerry Moore: I don't even recognize you any more! All this is gonna stop right now!
- Poppy: So what? Big deal! You cannot replace me with a newer, trashier version like you did with Mom!
- Gerry Moore: You are going to boarding school in England, and that's final.
- [walks away]
- Poppy: What? You think just because Mom went to boarding school in England it's gonna magically straighten me out?
- [plaintively:]
- Poppy: Do you even remember Mom?
- [sighs, stands there shivering]