61 of 147 found this moderate
A man and woman kiss for five seconds or less.
Frank has casual sex with a co-worker in the workday. She is sitting on the bed and drops the sheet covering her breasts. Both breasts are clearly seen for 2-3 seconds. Male nudity is not shown.
Two detailed but clothed sex scenes. A married couple have sex against their kitchen counter while mostly dressed.
A married woman has sex in a car with a husband of a friend. As they sit in the front seat, they kiss. She disrobes and he climbs on top, and thrusts a few times until he moans and then climaxes in a quick and steamy scene. No explicit nudity.
A man is shown in the shower; but no nudity is shown, in another scene, a woman's bare breasts are visible briefly.
30 of 53 found this mild
Verbal fighting and shouting through the movie.
A man almost strikes a woman twice, and at one point, nearly punches a mentally unstable man.
25 of 50 found this moderate
In the first 10 minutes, the name of Jesus Christ is used like an obscenity, twice.
The swearing mostly comes from Frank or April.
10 f-words (two used sexually) almost all of which used in aggressive contexts, and five or six s-words, also mostly used aggressively.
25 of 46 found this moderate
Characters smoke cigarettes through the movie almost all the time.
Smoking and drinking are rampant, both of which are used by the main female character while pregnant. Frank smokes what might be a joint while on a train (on account of the size of the cigarette and how he's holding it).
20 of 49 found this moderate
April screamed at Frank.
Very depressing subject manner.
The ending is very sad and dramatic.