This started off goofy, then got very serious, then got stupid. All in all, intelligent-wise, not even close to the normal high standards.
In this episode, we are to believe in a serious coincidences that are so far-fetched, it's an insult to anyone with a brain watching. For instance, the name of the mission, whom only one or two people in the entire world are privy to, just happens to be what's mentioned here by Kim and one of her kids. She had this in a dream, which centered around her husband's top-secret mission. It's all got to do with typical Hollywood baloney of promoting the occult: in this case, Kim Brown is "channeling" her husband's doubts about this mission, through her dreams. This is such nonsense I almost puked watching this.
There was good suspense on the submarine, which is the "action" part of the show this week as The Unit is transporting a defector to safety and trying to avoid detection by the North Koreans. We get a typical submarine story cliché here, too, of "can the boat withstand the depth we have to go."
It's fairly entertaining and weird, especially with the inclusion of Don Rickles playing a priest. That ought to tell you something! Little Linda Hunt plays the psychiatrist, who interviews Kim Brown. If all of that isn't enough, Col Ryan shows an unrealistic no-faith in Bob Brown, one of his best agents. Ryan too often is a ridiculous portrayal of a man who would never be in a position like this, showing far too many weaknesses and stupid faults, including judgment. Robert Patrick is good at frowning and talking tough but his character in here is ludicrous at times. It's the guys underneath him - Jonas, Bob, Mack and the boys - who are far more credible.