Eddard Stark ist zwischen seiner Familie und einem alten Freund hin und her gerissen, als er gebeten wird, an der Seite von König Robert Baratheon zu dienen. Viserys plant, seine Schwester mit einem nomadischen Kriegsherrn zu heiraten.
Catelyn has captured Tyrion and plans to bring him to her sister, Lysa Arryn, at the Vale, to be tried for his supposed crimes against Bran. Robert plans to have Daenerys killed, but Eddard refuses to be a part of it and quits.
While recovering from his battle with Jaime, Eddard is forced to run the kingdom while Robert goes hunting. Tyrion demands a trial by combat for his freedom. Viserys is losing his patience with Drogo.
Robert has been injured while hunting and is dying. Jon and the others finally take their vows to the Night's Watch. A man, sent by Robert, is captured for trying to poison Daenerys. Furious, Drogo vows to attack the Seven Kingdoms.
The Lannisters press their advantage over the Starks; Robb rallies his father's northern allies and heads south to war; The White Walkers attack the Wall; Tyrion returns to his father with some new friends.
Robb goes to war against the Lannisters. Jon finds himself struggling on deciding if his place is with Robb or the Night's Watch. Drogo has fallen ill from a fresh battle wound. Daenerys is desperate to save him.
Robb vows to get revenge on the Lannisters. Jon must officially decide if his place is with Robb or the Night's Watch. Daenerys says her final goodbye to Drogo.