"The Treat" is a dark and odd addition to the series, though contains comfortably the most high-profile actor in the series so far, in the legendary Ian Holm.
Three aging former soldiers go on a day trip to the woods, accompanied by their nurse Gordon (Ian Holm). Though Cyril (Liam Redmond) seems to be suffering from some form of dementia, Leslie (Leslie French) and particularly Henry (John Barratt) are sharp as tacks and have an ulterior motive for attending the excursion. A rumour about Gordon, and the disappearance of another member of staff appears to be an opportunity for them.
Weird is perhaps the best descriptor for this episode. It starts off fairly normal, then teasing about whether or not Gordon is gay starts and a loose contention about this other member of staff's disappearance and whether Gordon knows more about it that he's admitted. It's clear but taut stuff in the first half of the episode at least. The second half is much stranger and darker. Having agreed to play some version of hide and seek, Leslie and Henry attempt to bully a confession from Gordon. This second half goes on too long and is a bit too repetitive - it ends up taking on an almost surreal aspect, which I have to admit shook my interest a bit. I was much more into the first half, when it appeared like it was going to be more about the men tricking, or enticing, Gordon into spilling the truth.
The performances are solid, and the direction is fine but it's hard not to feel like some of the power has been lost to forty years of social progress and that the story unfortunately goes off the rails a bit.