- Natalie Van Miter: Memory is a very unreliable organ. Trust me Car, it's right up there with the penis.
- Natalie Van Miter: [looking at the placards on the table] ... There *you* are, and between us; The Sub-head of the Task Force on Terrorism. That man couldn't find the ground if he fell on it.
- Carter Page III: I have had some illusions shattered... I thought we weren't an aggressor nation. I thought there was a separation between church and state. Hell, I even thought that the people elected the president.
- Carter Page III: It'll all work out.
- Ethan Withal: Don't be naïve.
- Carter Page III: I'm not naïve... I'm superficial.
- Radley: He's dead. Don't judge the dead.
- Carter Page III: Why not? They judge us, each and every day.
- Natalie Van Miter: Oh, Car. Let me give you a piece of Washington wisdom. Never stand between your friend and a firing squad.
- Carter Page III: You've got to watch yourself; this is a brutal political climate. Whatever 'ruth' there was in this town, there's 'less' now than ever.