In this episode of The Little Mermaid's TV series, an evil manta ray wants to conquer Atlantica and uses the most sinister tactic - Divide and conquer. He goes around Atlantica lying to all of it's residents, telling them that just because they are different that some think they are better than others and getting all of the sea animals to hate each other.
Now if I were a teacher, I would make this episode mandatory viewing. Especially in the wake of what we face with social media and news broadcasting. The news has done everything in it's power in the past few years to amplify the fear and anger that we feel towards our fellow man & woman. Social media has given the uneducated and the ignorant a voice to agitate and lie and conjure up hate.
The evil manta represents the media. His whole purpose is to divide and conquer the people so they spend so much time arguing over trivial things amongst themselves that the manta himself can take over Atlantica.
Like how the media will report what it wants the people to hear, creating hate groups and drumming up fear and anger, and while the people argue amongst themselves, certain 3 letter groups are taking steps to take over the world.
And this episode is from 1992. 3 decades ago. The writers for this show were geniuses.
Maybe a little sweet mermaid singing a song about living in harmony is what this world needs.