Just seeing actress Anna Bjorn in a bikini makes this the best episode of Fantasy Island ever! It is too bad that the writers didn't develop her "Monique" character further, which they very easily could have done just by having her speak in her native Icelandic dialect. Talk about a sexy language for a sexy lady! And since Anna, like ninety-eight percent of all Icelanders, is fluent in English, the story line could have centered around Joe (Michael Lembeck), trying to communicate with her, the inevitable misunderstanding struggle due to the language barrier, but a real Fantasy come true when he teaches her enough English for the universal language of love to triumph in the end. Instead, the writers have Anna's "Monique" totally blow the Joe character off when she discovers that he is an auto mechanic. Then Joe. (Michael Lembeck), falls for "Paula", (Donna Pescow), and spouts that totally ridiculous line about "he could eat a hub cap" after he does it with Paula. This just proves that Anna's "Monique" was bright, as well as beautiful, as she spotted Joe for the tool he was right from the start. The only unbelievable part is that Paula didn't dump Joe too. Then the eposide could have ended with Joe licking the tires on Mr. Roake's doorless Fantasy Island mobile while Lawrence rolls his eyes. Ah, the possibilities. Regardless, I rate this eposide a ten out of ten for Anna's "brief" appearance, but don't blink or you'll miss her, and that would be a crying shame.