Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV Series)
Gingerbread (1999)
Nicholas Brendon: Xander Harris
Xander Harris : Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm still spinning on this whole "fairy tales are real" thing.
Oz : So what do we do?
Xander Harris : I don't know about you, but I'm gonna go trade my cow in for some beans.
Rupert Giles : There is a fringe theory held by a few folklorists that some regional stories have actual, um, very literal antecedents.
Buffy Summers : And in some language that's English?
Oz : Fairy tales are real.
Buffy Summers : Hans and Gre... Hansel and Gretel?
Xander Harris : Wait. Hansel and Gretel? Bread crumbs, ovens, gingerbread house?
Rupert Giles : Of course... Well, it makes sense now.
Buffy Summers : Yeah, it's all falling into place. Of course, that place is nowhere near this place.
Rupert Giles : Some demons thrive by fostering hatred and-and, uh, persecution amongst the mortal animals. Not by-Not by destroying men, but by watching men destroy each other. Now, they feed us our darkest fear and turn peaceful communities into vigilantes.
Buffy Summers : Hansel and Gretel run home to tell everyone about the mean old witch.
Rupert Giles : And then she and probably dozens of others are persecuted by a righteous mob. It's happened all throughout history. Happened in Salem, not surprisingly.
[Principal Synder and the police are raiding the students lockers]
Xander Harris : Aw, man, it's Nazi Germany, and I've got Playboys in my locker.
Xander Harris : Look, everyone expects me to mess up again. Like Oz. I see how he is around me. You know, that steely gaze, that pointed silence.
Buffy Summers : 'Cause he's usually such a chatterbox.
Xander Harris : No, but it's different now. It's more a verbal nonverbal. He speaks volumes with his eyes.
Oz : [to Willow] I haven't seen you all day. Where you been?
Xander Harris : Not with me. No, sir. Ask anyone... No.
Oz : Take heart. We found your books.
Xander Harris : You can put the heart back. We can't get 'em. They're locked up in City Hall.