51 of 79 found this severe
An orgy is shown with many characters naked or nearly naked, and several having sex in the same room. A woman asks "Who is going to fuck me in the ass?" and is then shown on all fours with a champagne glass balanced on her back.
Female breast nudity with explicit bare breast fondling is shown during one of many sex scenes featured at several hyper sexual parties.
Female breasts & buttocks nudity are shown repeatedly in sexual contexts.
A man sunbathes nude on a balcony with a book covering his genitals.
Several characters have multiple sexual partners.
Female breast nudity is displayed during explicit sex on a table with a clothed male including the female's young son entering & seeing bare breast, thrusting & moaning.
A male forcibly drags a female into a bedroom as she screams in protest with strongly implied female rape following.
25 of 36 found this severe
Cannibalism. A man makes a comment about if he should kill another man's wife and eat her, mentioning that other floors have become desperate and have begun to eat the women.
A man finds a torn human ear on the floor.
Frequent scenes of fights throughout the film (often involving multiple participants) with punching, kicking and weapons
A man punches another man repeatedly in the head.
A man is beaten by a group of other men and has a lot of blood on his head and torso during subsequent scenes.
A man drags a woman to a bedroom as she screams, and it is strongly implied that he rapes her although we don't see this. In a subsequent scene she has a black eye and cuts to her face.
A man jumps from the high rise and his fall is shown in slow motion. We see him impacting a car head first- shown in slow motion - and blood coming from his nose and mouth. Later we see the damaged car after the body has been removed, with large amounts of blood on it.
A group of men attempt to throw a man off a high balcony.
A man threatens a group of people with a gun, and shoots one of them although this is not very intense compared to the earlier bloody fights.
In a visually-distorted scene, a man is repeatedly stabbed.
11 of 27 found this moderate
"f*ck" and it's variants are used a total of 8 times. Under 5 uses of "sh**" and under 5 curse words involving body parts. Plenty of additional name-calling.
19 of 27 found this severe
Most characters (including a pregnant woman) smoke and drink heavily throughout.
Characters get drunk and take drugs, including cocaine, at parties.
Unspecified prescription drugs shown and discussion of characters needing sleeping pills
11 of 26 found this moderate
A man drags a dead body into a public indoor pool that has become a makeshift mass grave.
A bloodied man crawls under a glass coffee table and listens to his screams on a tape recorder. This scene becomes disturbing as he continuously hits play back, upsetting another character.
Frequent scenes of fights throughout the film (often involving multiple participants) with punching, kicking and weapons.
A man drags a woman to a bedroom as she screams, and it is strongly implied that he rapes her although we don't see this.
A man jumps from the high rise and his fall is shown in slow motion. We see him impacting a car head first- shown in slow motion - and blood coming from his nose and mouth. Later we see the damaged car after the body has been removed, with large amounts of blood on it.
A man keeps the dead body of another man as an ornament/trophy, with the framework of a TV set placed over the dead man's head, which is bloodied. We see close ups of this.
In a medical setting, a human head is dissected. We see the face/flesh being pulled away from the tissue/muscle/eyes underneath, and then a hammer-like tool is used to prepare to open the skull.