I believe the WHITE DOG SACRIFICE was intended to be a thriller, but at the same time didn't take itself too seriously as one. And this was its saving grace, (take the tree falling on the scary native for instance). These infrequent quips of satire along with a steady flow of comic relief (provided by the character 'Rob') made this movie more than just watch-able; it was funny. Yet, it still managed to produce the occasional jolt. Okay, it wasn't "The Ring", but what is important is that it didn't try to be. The plot is good, it is easy to follow and it doesn't leave you wondering: "why the hell did he or she do that? (As so many 'scary movies' seem to do). To commemorate this further, the scene where 'Simon' takes off in the boat only to fall prey to the minion of 'Pilot John' was well constructed, and was a unique catalyst for the impending doom of the other campers.
Contrary to the previous review, I will say that this movie did live up to its description and to its trailer. A healthy combination of summer flings, mixed in with an ancient Indian legend, and a psychotic, temperamental old man paved the way for some-what expected, yet original misfortunes to befall the characters. But I am not saying that these 'misfortunes' or the ending were entirely predictable, so I give it credit in that regard as well. However, I will also say that the pace of the movie could have been faster at times. One thing that might have helped in this regard could have been more intense scenes with the large native guy...this might have reduced the seemingly long intervals between his appearances.
All in all, I enjoyed this movie. However, if you rent it with the intention of scaring the crap out of yourself, you'll be disappointed. I would definitely recommend this movie to those who enjoyed 'Wrong Turn'.