Faithe Herman credited as playing...
Darla Dudley
- Shazam: Say my name!
- Freddy Freeman, Mary Bromfield, Darla Dudley, Pedro Peña, Eugene Choi: BILLY!
- Shazam: No, no! Not my name, the name I said to transform into this guy!
- Freddy Freeman, Mary Bromfield, Darla Dudley, Pedro Peña, Eugene Choi: SHAZAM!
- [Shazam takes his siblings to a strip club]
- Darla Dudley: Why are you covering my eyes?
- Mary Bromfield: Really? This is the first place you think of? Wow!
- Darla Dudley: Why can't I see what's inside?
- Mary Bromfield: You are not old enough!
- Darla Dudley: Old enough to know that was great music!
- [Freddy sits alone at the cafeteria when the Breyer brothers appear]
- Brett Breyer: What are you doing? Waiting for your imaginary BFF to show up?
- Burke Breyer: Yeah.
- [Burke grabs some of Freddy's food before elbowing him in the head. Freddy's siblings join him at the table]
- Freddy Freeman: What are you guys doing here?
- Mary Bromfield: Well, we're having lunch with you.
- Freddy Freeman: But you guys have different lunch periods.
- Mary Bromfield: Well, we made a very special arrangement.
- Freddy Freeman: Darla, what's going on?
- Darla Dudley: Why are you asking me?
- [Shazam enters the cafeteria with some food]
- Shazam: Freddy Freeman!
- [all the kids see Shazam in awe]
- Shazam: This guy taught me everything I know about being a dope superhero. True story. You should get some pointers from him.
- [Shazam sits next to Freddy]
- Shazam: What's going on, my best bud in the whole world? And also new kids that I'm meeting for the first time but seem very cool? Uh... I invited another friend. I hope that's okay.
- [Superman arrives with some food and stands next to Freddy]
- Freddy Freeman: Huh!