#1 ∙ S1.E1 ∙ The Engineers' Plot: A Fable from the Age of Science1992History of the Soviet Union Economic Plan (Gosplan)8,1/10 (57)Valuta
#2 ∙ S1.E2 ∙ To the Brink of Eternity1992The U.S. use of game theory and computations in Foreign Relations.7,9/10 (47)Valuta
#4 ∙ S1.E5 ∙ Black Power1992The history of Kwame Nkrumah and his attempts to develop Ghana.7,9/10 (37)Valuta
#5 ∙ S1.E3 ∙ The League of Gentlemen1992The Thatcher administration implementing Milton Friedman's Economic Policies7,8/10 (43)Valuta