Odd Girl Out (2005 TV Movie)
Leah Pipes: Stacey
Ms. Donnely : [Referring to Vanessa's suicide attempt] I guess I'm just wondering if anyone has any feelings about what she did.
Stacey : Um, Vanessa and I have been friends for, all our lives, and I just wish I could've done something to help her.
Emily : That is such crap!
Ms. Donnely : Excuse me Emily!
Emily : Stacey drove Vanessa to it. She humiliated her. She practically drove her out of school
[Surveying the whole class]
Emily : and everyone knows it.
Stacey : What? That is such a lie! You've known her what, five minutes? Vanessa and I are incredibly close.
Emily : Yeah, close enough to kill her.
Vanessa : Stacey! Stacey! Stacey! Why did you show them that?
Stacey : Don't make such a big deal out of it. I didn't know the stupid bitch would print it out. Don't worry about it, all right? I'll see you at the party.
Vanessa : [grabs her] No! You can not walk away from this. You know all you've done this year is make my life a living hell.
Stacey : Ness, chill.
Vanessa : No! You are so fake. You're annoying, you're rude, you just, you- lie all the time. You are just like Nikki. But even worse.
[raised tone]
Vanessa : At least everybody knows what to expect from Nikki.
[normal tone]
Vanessa : Cause you make people feel so bad about themselves Stacy, you have a problem. You live in your own little world. You're so pathetic. You know what? I feel really sorry for you.
Stacey : You are going to regret this. I'm the best thing that's ever happened to you.
Vanessa : Right, like a flesh-eating virus.
[the students laugh]
Stacey : Okay, okay, I'm- I'm sorry for whatever I've done to you.
[very softly]
Stacey : Let's just not do this, okay? C'mon.
[Stacey tries to hug Vanessa but she pushes Stacy away]
Vanessa : No! You have nothing that i want.