17 of 41 found this mild
Nothing happens sexual throughout the movie.
There are no obvious nudity shown in this movie. In one scene Jessica Alba is seen taking a bath through a frosted glass. We see her full side nude, but really blurry. When she comes out a side of her buttocks can be scene when she is dressing up.
6 of 12 found this moderate
A woman is shown hanging from a pipe with a cord around her neck. Another woman smashes the pipe so the other falls to the ground. (We see bloody marks around the woman's neck.)
We see images of children throwing rocks at a shack. Inside a woman who is visibly frightened as she throws a cord around a pipe. She hangs herself offscreen. (The chair is seen falling over along with a thud and the sound of the cord creaking.)
The ghost of a man on fire is shown pounding on the window of a moving car, scaring the woman driving. (His charred flesh is shown.)
A woman walks through another 'woman'. She walks across to see the dead body of the woman she just walked through. (Her mangled limbs and body are shown after she's been hit by a car.)
A boy's ghost is seen with a bloody wound on his head.
A woman smells smoke as she lays in bed. She sits up and sees smoke billowing under the door. She looks through a peep-hole in the door as something lunges at her. She falls back and finds herself in another burning building with burning people surrounding her. Someone grabs her arm and we later see bloody slashes on her arm.
People panic and get out of their cars, and one car crashes into a gas tanker causing a large explosion and flames shoot through the air. A huge explosion blows flames through a factory; we see people scattering and trying to get away, we hear them screaming and people outside the factory try to pry the doors open. A huge explosion blows flames through a restaurant and we hear that several people died.
A woman is tripped and falls into the hood of a car. (We see her bloody nose.)
A woman has a charred face and shrapnel stuck in it.
A woman has a dream about people dying, we see her with her eyes bleeding, we see fire and hear people screaming, the walls in her room change to the walls of a different room, she reaches out for the wall, a chair flips over and everything changes back to normal.
9 of 12 found this mild
8 of 10 found this mild
Sydney drinks cooking wine. We also see bottles of wine, but she only drinks from one bottle.
8 of 12 found this moderate
A man is seen out of a peek hole in an apartment. This scene is very shocking
A man suddenly appears in a car window while characters are driving. This scene is very shocking and could make you scream.
Sydney's visions are often very disturbing and shocking.
The little boy in the elevator is seen as frightening
The whole film is tense and filled with "pop outs"