Ms. Josephine corrects Chanel's pronunciation of Maya Angelou's name after she herself uses that same pronunciation to refer to Maya.
When Terry comes in after the shop is re-opened she comes in with her hair on her shoulder and when she starts talking to Gina it is behind her. In the next shot it is back on her shoulder.
When Vanessa is talking to L'il JJ outside of the shop, Vanessa takes off her headphones and puts them around her neck. And while she's talking they move from her neck to her lap without her touching them.
Lynn's mole alternates from the left side of her forehead to the right at different points in the movie.
When Gina is at the bank and the woman stands up to shake her hand, her hand can be seen behind her back. In the next shot her hand is at her side.
When Gina hears a record by The Spinners, she reminisces about hearing "good old Chicago soul." The Spinners were actually from Detroit and made their most successful records in Philadelphia.
Towards the end, when the radio announcer calls Gina's shop to talk to her, by turning up the radio for Gina to hear her voice, there would be so much feedback that no one will be able to hear the radio announcer and vice versa
After Vanessa's recital, Gina is on her way to the shop. You see her get in the car, but while the car is heading down the street, you can see that there is another female driver, not Queen Latifah, driving.
In the beginning, in Jorge's Shop, Queen Latifah is supposed to be washing Andie Mcdowell's hair, but her hair remains dry the entire time.