34 of 73 found this moderate
One plot point revolves around a characters Girlfriend who is into bizarre and kinky sex acts, such as pretending they are partaking in incest.
A character is raped, not particularly graphic though quite dark.
There are infrequent sex references which aren't strong.
In one episode a character buys a dildo, though he never ends up using it.
There is only 1 or 2 sex scenes in the entire series (9 seasons) but they aren't graphic and very brief
The Series has a number of scenes where it is implied characters are masturbating, due to the POV style generally the only this that is seen is the moving arm.
One character lies about a having a hereditary illness in order to get a hand job.
We see a nude poster in the background of a scene but it is blurred due to the shows quality
During a sex scene a woman begins choking her partner, he asks her to stop and she apologises.
In one sex scene a woman begins talking dirty and expresses the bizarre desire to cut off people's penises.
31 of 43 found this mild
In one instance of slightly stronger violence a Character tears the head off a bird he has shot. Briefly see a spray of blood and it's severed head
A character eats a dog, (See Frightening and Intense themes.)
A character cuts his hand on a glass, we briefly see a ring of blood.
A character cuts an umbilical cord. A tiny bit of blood can be seen smeared in it.
In one episode a it is heavily implied that a character kicked a dog to death offscreen.
A character intentionally try's to get beaten up, by insulting a co-worker. The man ends up headbutting him, breaking his nose. We latter see him with a tissue of dripping blood.
A character jumps from two stories, he is seen hurt on the ground but quickly gets up.
Two characters discuss how they would murder each other. This is played for laughs, though still quite morbid.
Very rare, and mostly played for laughs. For example, in one episode the characters get pepper sprayed.
40 of 47 found this severe
"Cunt" is occasionally used.
A character calls an old woman a "cockmuncher".
The T slur towards trans people is thought (via monologue) by one of the main characters a few times throughout the show.
Frequent use of "fuck" in all episodes. Some moderate/milder language throughout including uses of "wanker" "dick" "cock" "shit" "bastard" "arse" "bloody" and other kinds of profanity throughout the series.
33 of 42 found this severe
At one point two characters snort cocaine together.
A character says that he has been sniffing glue.
During the shows second season a already drug addicted character further gets a even worse addiction to crack cocaine.
At one point a group of characters all do Speed. One character is peer pressured to do the same, though he doesn't end up following through.
Frequent alcohol use. Frequent cigarette and marijuana smoking. Frequent cocaine snorting and smoking. Other drugs are used throughout too: ecstasy, mushrooms, speed, pills.
Hard drug use throughout, one of the show's reoccuring characters, has a crack cocaine addiction, and often references needing to take cocaine, occasionally there is sight of Hard drug use.
Some soft drug references also occur in the series, including comments about "weed" and some scenes of it being smoked.
29 of 42 found this to have none
In one episode a character eats a dog, this is done in a very comedic way and isn't particularly gruesome, though it could still be considered slightly disturbing.
Numerous times throughout the show one of the Show's main characters, (who is a junkie,) tries to go cold turkey. He is seen tied up and very sick. Comedic, though dark.
Peep show can, at times, be quite bleak. Especially as the show goes on and the main protagonists get older.
The shows Cringe Comedy style is at times very hard to watch.
One character have extreme financial problems. He often goes broke and ends up homeless on numerous occasions.
In one episode the main characters reunite with an extremely mentally ill woman. She is seen have a mental break down.