Red Water (2003 TV Movie)
Langley Kirkwood: Brett van Ryan
Dr. Kelli Raymond : [about a gash on his head] Nasty.
Brett van Ryan : You have no idea.
Brett van Ryan : Last dive, today.
Ice : Why?
Brett van Ryan : Too much bottom time. You get bubbles in your blood.
Rick : What's happening, rude boy?
Brett van Ryan : All fruit's ripe, Rick. Looks like you're in fat city. A long way from the 10-toe turbo, huh?
Rick : Looks deceiving, man. I'm in a cross. That's why I called you. I got to have what only Bad Brett can give me.
Brett van Ryan : Okay, lay it down.
Ice : Yo, homey, what's up with the shark?
Rick : That's my cousin Ice. Go ahead. Show him.
[Brett shows Ice a shark bite on his forearm]
Rick : Brett, him a crazy man, him. He love to go swim with the sharks. The one day off Cape Town, he got bit, so now...
Brett van Ryan : Whenever I get the chance, I bite back. Look, can we uh...
Rick : Most def, man, most def. You remember Jerry Cullen, little Jerry?
Brett van Ryan : No.
Rick : He was my buying boy, man. Ran ganja for me until Bobby Law scooped him up.
Brett van Ryan : So?
Rick : So when he went away, he got something belong to me, and he not give it back.
Brett van Ryan : Sounds like a job for Ice-T over here.
Ice : Names Ice, shark bait.
Rick : Ice don't scuba. You in? 10% finders fee.
Brett van Ryan : What am I finding?
[Rick holds up 3 fingers]
Brett van Ryan : Three... .million?
Rick : Strong money.
Brett van Ryan : That's interesting.
Rick : [to his mistresses] Go feed the piranhas. 5 years ago, little Jerry was making a run for me, up Atchafalaya. You ever been?
Brett van Ryan : No, it's south Louisiana, right?
Rick : Yeah, man. Deal go down. Basin police show up. Little Jerry, he run and he run and he run. When he got caught guess whats not on the boat.
Brett van Ryan : Your money.
Rick : He dump it in a river.
Brett van Ryan : How do you know?
Rick : Little birdie from Flat Top told me so.
Brett van Ryan : Is he out?
Rick : He get out tomorrow. His woman rent a boat in Morgan City, yesterday.
Brett van Ryan : Better get in a plane.
Rick : My cousin Ice go with you, man.
Brett van Ryan : I don't think so.
Rick : Temptation a bitch, Brett. She already burned me once.
Brett van Ryan : [to Ice] Stay out of my way and we won't have any problems. You got that Ice Cube?
Ice : Call me anything else but my name, make your scar look like a goldfish bite.
Brett van Ryan : Bark, bark, dog.
Rick : Ease up now. Ease up!
Brett van Ryan : Later, Rick.
Brett van Ryan : Mash it up Brett.
Brett van Ryan : You can count on that.
Rick : When you get my money, bust a tack up Jerry's ass. Double-crossing, blood-clot.
Ice : Done