I just find that brilliant. The cry from Derek Acorah when he senses his spirit guide telling him something.
Most Haunted is a brilliant series. Although it is a serious investigation, I find it good that the crew do have a mess and laugh behind the scenes or even on camera, showing that they are real people and do not put on an act on camera.
Now in the fourth series, I'm happy to say I dedicate my Tuesday nights to UK Living on cable. I come downstairs and the remote is handed to me. Various family members leave the room, so i sit by myself and enjoy the program even more.
The first series was an excellent start, although I find the most annoying thing about it is Jason Karl, the parapsychologist/investigator. He was too chatty for the show, asking pointlessly detailed questions to derek that at times I think bored Yvette as we could tell by the look on her face.
Series 2 came along and it was even better. Jason Karl had finally gone, replaced by the calmer paranormal investigator Phil Wyman (who only asks questions when appropriate, not every 2 seconds), Richard Felix came along and has now taken over from Jason as the annoying one, but only his voice(before the end of every sentence, he pauses, then says something), more fascinating results were captured (polterghiest activity in The Station Hotel, Derby) and Yvette got a new haircut! This by my opinion is the best so far and the funniest to watch.
Series 3 is a little better than series 2, although I cant say much as I haven't seen as many episodes of series 3, yet, I think that Yvette got a new haircut!
Series 4 is just starting and sounds promising to be the best yet, according to my friend who has told me of a face appearing in a mirror in one of the episodes, with all the crew seeing it.
The Most Haunted Live editions are also very good to watch and it is an ingenious idea to use audience and home participation in the show. My favourite so far would have to be Most Haunted Live At New Year, all because we finally had the pleasure of seeing Matthew Smith go out into the darkness himself.
The team are funny yet serious at the same time, making the show a joy to watch.
I am looking forward to the rest of the new series, the Easter Weekend 3 day special and many more adventures with the team to come. 100% brilliant television!
And just think, we have Sam to thank for all this. THANK YOU SAM!!!