14 reviews
This game has a lot of smashing in it alright, but it is not as good a game as "Hulk: Ultimate Destruction" which came out two or three years later. This one would top that game in smashing thanks to minigames where all the Hulk just runs around destroying as many objects as he can and beating as many soldiers as he possibly can. To me this was the funnest part of the game. The game itself takes place after the game as Bruce is on the run and turning into the Hulk when cornered. One of the things I did not care for was the stealth missions involving Bruce, I bought this game to smash! For the most part that is what I did. At times you fought some other super powered foes and at times this was annoying too as Hulk is supposed to be the strongest one there is, and at times it seemed like the bad guy was. I did like how you could pick up stuff and then smash the stuff over your enemies. The fighting as the Hulk though overall was good and it is what made the game worth playing, that and the appearance of various villains from the comics. So while Ultimate Destruction is by far the more enjoyable game, this one is also smashingly good fun.
After I have played all the way through this game, I can't say I enjoyed playing it an awful lot; the stealth portion of the game is decent, but the horrendous camera angles make it nearly impossible to get past(and unnecessarily frustrating to try your wits at). The Hulk portions of the game are at least a little more entertaining, but unfortunately they are limited to only consisting of the player controlling the huge brute, smashing things into tiny bits and throwing people into walls and such; nothing more is to be found here. It's fun at first, and they captured the style well(which may be enough for those who read about him for the senseless destruction and havoc that the big green misunderstood monster wreaks... looking past the modern-day Frankenstein's Monster tale and the tortured soul within the beast), but it gets old pretty quick, since few of the enemies are difficult to beat, and being practically invincible doesn't keep being entertaining for an entire game. In fact, the lack of any tangible challenge pretty much ensures that it stops being fun within much, much too short a period of playing time. The graphics are very good, crisp and smooth, with solid animation, and I like the diversity that the environment offers; you can pick up virtually any object and use it as a club, a throwing weapon or simply put it to good use, by smashing it directly over the next adversary's head. The controls are relatively simple, but at times you(I certainly did) wish that there had been more functions, as they only allow for reasonably few different ways of beating up your opponents(which, again, makes it get boring long before the game is over... and it's supposed to be the main attraction of the thing(honestly, the sneaking seems tacked on, more than anything)). I think the story is OK(though much of it seems as if it is written as an excuse to have a bunch of scenarios where the game can send endless swarms of mostly easily defeated enemies at you... and every so often turning The Hulk back into Bruce Banner, to put you through yet another insufferable stealth-level), it's kind of good that it picks up where the movie left off, but I think the numerous enemies, especially the bosses, were too much alike; every other boss is just another giant creature a la the title character itself. Another good thing is that they use so many well-knowns from the graphic novel as enemies; most fans will immediately recognize them. It's a pity that a game based on such a classic character, and one with such potential in many mediums, not just comic books(which is the only place I've seen him flourish so far), has to be a by-the-books beat-'em-up title. This could have been an interesting and intense production where you try to keep Banner's tension level(perhaps monitored through a meter in the HUD(Heads-Up Display, a la the suspicion meters of the Hit-man series or similar) down, to avoid turning into his unfriendly alter-ego and having to yet again live with more destroyed property, and possibly injured(I don't believe he's ever actually killed anyone, though I haven't read too many of the more recent stories) people. I'm not even particularly much of a fan of the character or the comic books... and that was just off the top of my head. Unfortunately, it would seem that the production company behind this fail to realize that not all comic book readers are children and/or have low standards... many of us appreciate depth, as well as thought and effort put into what we play, watch and read. This title is purely superficial. It looks and sounds nice, and it lets you control a fascinating creature, with all his physical strength and his impressive presence. If that is all you require of a game, then look no further... and good for you. I'm happy that some enjoy this game, but I'm afraid I was rather disappointed. The game is of reasonable length(though it could have ended sooner, in my opinion... but I may have been too tired of it by that point). The levels are fairly different from each other, though all are entirely linear. The visual design stays quite true to the source material... the colors all seem to have the exact right tone, and going by my limited knowledge of the graphic novels, the villains all look right, as well(and the choices aren't bad). In-between levels, there are animated cut-scenes that further the story, and I must admit, they are impressively done. The levels convey the sense that everyone's out to get you, which fits quite well with how the muscular and discolored man-like being must perceive the world, with his enormously limited intellect. If you accept that the game is a simple production that tries to do little more than put the player in the body of the title character, I suppose it's fine for what it is. It just feels like such a blatant attempt at cashing in on the popularity of the source material(I may not particularly care for Ang Lee, but I'd still say that he at least tried to do something interesting in the film), and I generally disapprove of such... if you just want to have fun and for your audience to enjoy themselves, then make up your own thing(or spoof someone else's), but if you're going to work from someone else's creation, show some respect and try to live up to the name and reputation of it. Overall, the game is OK if you loved the movie, or I suppose if you're a long-time fan, and one who's been waiting for a game for a long time. You just have to get used to the controls, and accept that the regular levels get tedious and repetitive very quickly... and that the Bruce Banner portions are overly difficult, due to a half-hearted attempt at programming a camera system. 6/10
- Mar 27, 2004
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Then This movie is based on the 2003 Hulk movie And if I already told you before I didn't like that movie at all because that movie didn't feel like a Hulk movie at all because it was just a trauma based movie of a man they stuck a Hulk and then thatmovie tried every way to look like a comic for whoever put the cartoons But comics aren't made like that and now as always they've made this game based on that movie Well this game is truly incredible and a thousand times better than the movie because it doesn't really have the same thing as thathorrible film or that it really looks like the Hulk Then this film seems to me to be set after the events of the film it's like an unofficial sequel and then I liked this story much better than that terrible film So the games are very playable And when you play them with Hulk indeedvery nice but the thing that I didn't like at all is when you play with Bruce banner because in this mode it's too complicated to solve things Yes because this is very difficult to finish that level First of all he had to not let you see So if you really hated thefilm play the game because this is a thousand times better to conclude rating 7.
- erminahotmail
- Nov 27, 2023
- Permalink
The story line in this game is better than the story line in the movie. Ang Lee can't do comic books period. At first I thought alrite Ang Lee is doin' the Hulk, since he did a good job in Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon but I forgot he aslo did "Ice Storm" and that was bad. But back to the game, its a really good game. The fight scenes get a little boring as your playing cause it just goes on and on. Like I said the story line is good, it can be a bit challenging. I just want you all to know its worth renting, I recommend it. Sorry if you can't understand it. I just want people to know its better than the movie.
- MaGuFu_Day
- Jul 22, 2003
- Permalink
this movie sucked. For one, they made the hulk to freakishly big. He's supposed to be about 7 - 8 feet tall. Not 15 feet! On the second point, Bruce Banner was exposed to Gamma Rays by way of an explosion, not by some lab experiment or any other way. And third,why couldn't they have had one of the hulk's famous arch enemies appear in the film? Like the Abomination. The idea of the "hulk dogs" was absolutely stupid. Concerning his size, how do you explain his pants stretching that much? When he's running amok in San Francisco, the movie started to resemble King Kong. The good news is that a new, revamped, Hulk movie is coming out in 2008. I'm sure it will be better than this crap.
- david3668-1
- Sep 22, 2007
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This game is almost the same as Spider-Man The Movie Game but you can play as Bruce Banner in some levels and Hulk too. I'd have fun smashing things as the hulk like I unlock Grey hulk by entering a code and it's like if Peter Parker didn't get bit by the spider but just get exposed from Gama radiation. Why I think that because the Grey hulk being sarcastic while beating up bad guys. I like this game I'd really enjoy that one.
- randyfromscream
- Aug 1, 2017
- Permalink
Things I like about this game:
- Kirby's diner at the beginning of the game, which Bruce goes inside its bathroom. The diner is named after Jack Kirby, one of the games's creators.
- The password codes in the Desperate Measures level to unlock the doors.
- All the soldiers.
- Those nasty wolves.
- matthewjohnson-00951
- Jun 4, 2020
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- willywants
- Jul 12, 2004
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This game was way ahead of its time...the fighing was great..hulk had some pretty great moves..graphics were great for that time..the missions were intense
- ashishmanocha01
- Feb 26, 2020
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First off the People who love the Movie need to get over themselves. The Hulk Was Not That Good, and was a Boring Movie and there have been Far Better Comic Book Movies Made than the Hulk (i.e Batman Begins, Sin City, X-Men, Superman, Spider-man 2, The Punisher (2004), The Crow, Hellboy and Many More). The Video Game was Great and It really says something when the Video Game is better then the Movie its Based On. I haven't Played it for a while, But the Game and the Storyline in it really is more interesting than the Movie. Being able to have the Hulk Smash what ever you wanted was Great. Instead of suffering through hours of Bad Dialog, Acting, and Directing. In This Game you get right to the Main Character "THE HULK". and unlike The Movie, This has Classic Hulk Villains. Overall i would give the Game a 7 or 8. the Movie on the other hand i would only gets it 1. And TV Show is still a 9. Sorry Ang Lee you really should stay away for Stuff you know nothing About.
- nightwing60
- Jan 19, 2006
- Permalink
I don't know if it's fair to say that the video game Hulk is EASILY better than the infamous film it's based off of. I hated the film seeing it in the cinemas in 2003, but thankfully the game is so much better and more entertaining than Ang Lee's unfortunate misfire. The game has a better tone than the film and the graphics are actually still beautiful 14 years since its release. The Bruce Banner missions are frustrating compared to the Hulk levels, but it's good to see they actually let you play both sides to the HULK character.
Where other movie-licensed games failed, this one succeeded in standing out from the crowd, at least back in 2003 it did. And considering this game tried being Metal Gear Solid and Batman: Vengeance (sort of) in the one package that's a pretty different but oddly good combo for a game.
It's not the greatest game in the history-of-ever or anything, but it IS a competently done and directed game.
Where other movie-licensed games failed, this one succeeded in standing out from the crowd, at least back in 2003 it did. And considering this game tried being Metal Gear Solid and Batman: Vengeance (sort of) in the one package that's a pretty different but oddly good combo for a game.
It's not the greatest game in the history-of-ever or anything, but it IS a competently done and directed game.
- Johnny-the-Film-Sentinel-2187
- Sep 18, 2017
- Permalink
Hulk is a blast - there's two styles of gameplay, one is stealth-avoidance as Banner and fast-paced over the top action as Hulk.
Hulk gameplay is definitely the star, with Hulk able to smash just about everything in the world. The box claims "if you can see it, you can smash it" - when you play it, you'll find out that's true.
Hulk smashes walls, cracks the floor and can use pretty much anything as a weapon to fight with.
The voice acting from the cinema crew really adds to the experience. There are also a bunch of extras such as movies and photo galleries from the movie, so all in all it's a nice package.
Most striking are the graphics. The game has a snazzy visual style which looks somewhere in between the movie and a comic - it's really quite different.
Once you've gone through the game you can play through again as Grey Hulk, the wise-cracking version of the Hulk from the 80's comics. This feature really makes playing the game a different experience and extends playtime once you've been through the game.
My take: 8.5/10, recommended!
Hulk gameplay is definitely the star, with Hulk able to smash just about everything in the world. The box claims "if you can see it, you can smash it" - when you play it, you'll find out that's true.
Hulk smashes walls, cracks the floor and can use pretty much anything as a weapon to fight with.
The voice acting from the cinema crew really adds to the experience. There are also a bunch of extras such as movies and photo galleries from the movie, so all in all it's a nice package.
Most striking are the graphics. The game has a snazzy visual style which looks somewhere in between the movie and a comic - it's really quite different.
Once you've gone through the game you can play through again as Grey Hulk, the wise-cracking version of the Hulk from the 80's comics. This feature really makes playing the game a different experience and extends playtime once you've been through the game.
My take: 8.5/10, recommended!
- billybobshatner
- Jun 5, 2003
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Why did they release this game when the movie is a good month away for?. The Hulk is just what it sounds like...you spend the entire game playing between Banner and The Hulk through various levels fighting troops and bosses etc. Almost every thing can be destroyed in the game and the Hulk has some nice graphics...but after a while it gets a little tedious.
The game play is broken down like this: Banner's stages are more stealth oriented (MGS/Splinter Cell)and The Hulk's are more like a classic beat em up game (Final Fight). This game is okay for fans of this cartoon...but casual fans will want to stay away from this title most likely.
The Hulk's Final Grade:
The game play is broken down like this: Banner's stages are more stealth oriented (MGS/Splinter Cell)and The Hulk's are more like a classic beat em up game (Final Fight). This game is okay for fans of this cartoon...but casual fans will want to stay away from this title most likely.
The Hulk's Final Grade:
- supershocker76
- May 31, 2003
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