Nathan Lane credited as playing...
Spot • Scott
- Spot/Scott: What is it with this family and singing? I'm starting to feel a little VonTrapped.
- [Scott unties Leonard]
- Leonard: Quick! We've got to get out after it blows!
- Spot/Scott: You go. There's one more thing I've got to do.
- [He stands in front of the machine]
- Spot/Scott: It's my only chance.
- Leonard: Scott, what are you doing?
- [a beam shoots out of the machine and hits Scott, who convulses in mid air. The room seems to warp. A shockwave blows Leonard backwards. Electricity crackles. A gauge spins wildly and breaks. Leonard shields himself as the machine explodes. Smoke fills the room. Leonard fans it away]
- Leonard: Scott! Scott!
- [He sees a pile of blue dust on the floor. It appears that Scott is dead. Leonard starts crying. He kneels on the ground and runs the dust through his fingers]
- Leonard: Oh, Scott.
- [His grief turns to anger]
- Leonard: Stupid Machine! Stupid, stupid science!
- [He kicks the machine, which breaks. Another beam hits the pile of dust. The dust glows and spirals into a double helix, then a whirlwind. Spot is revived and falls to the floor]
- Spot/Scott: You're wrong, Dr. Krank. I am a dog who wants to be a worthless boy. I mean, who wants to be a boy.
- Spot/Scott: Lost Dog Reward 100 Dollars, That'll do.
- Leonard: Lost Dog Reward 100 Dollars, That'll do.
- Spot/Scott: Don't worry. Happens all the time. Now, here's your problem as I see it, doc. While your theories are scientifically sound... and your equipment technically flawless... you keep hitting a failure point... when it comes to the selection of your subjects. See, you've been experimenting on swamp creatures... insects, and, uh, reptiles.
- Dennis: And all-ee-gators!
- Spot/Scott: All-ee-gators are reptiles.
- Dennis: Proceed.
- Spot/Scott: [as Grandma Leadready] Young lady, I missed my chance to go to Florida when I was the boy's age. And look at what a bitter old woman it turned me into!
- Mrs. Helperman: Oh, you must be Scott's gran...
- Spot/Scott: [as Grandma Leadready] I CAN'T TALK TO YOU I'M TOO BITTER!
- Mrs. Helperman: [to Leonard] Did you just say "Spot"?
- Spot/Scott: [emerging in his Scott clothes] No, Mrs. Helperman, he said "Scott".
- TV Actress: John.
- TV Actor: Marsha.
- TV Actress: John.
- TV Actor: Marsha.
- Spot/Scott: Yawn. Mush-a.
- Spot/Scott: I had to come. I had to be with you. And I needed a ride to Florida for my own self-serving reasons, but why spoil a beautiful moment.
- [Upon receiving an attendance medal]
- Spot/Scott: Thank you, Mrs. Helperman. This is just the thing to go with my Science medal, my Math medal, and my Sports medal. Not to mention my medal for self-esteem.