50 First Dates (2004)
Lusia Strus: Alexa
Alexa : I am grouchy due to lack of recent physical intimacy.
Henry : Oooo...
Alexa : Shut up, because here comes one-time only opportunity. What I will do now is go into your office and become naked.
[Jocko the seal gives a disgusted growl]
Alexa : Next move is up to you. I may not be as limber as I once was... but yeah, I make up for it with enthusiasm and willingness to experiment.
[Snaps her neck]
Henry : I don't know if you realize, I'm not into guys.
Alexa : Henry, come quickly, it's Jocko!
Henry : Alexa, get me two fish from the barrel
Alexa : He's not responding.
Henry : [fishslaps Alexa] Calm down. I'm gonna try to get him breathing manually so I need your face next to his mouth to see it if's working. Are you ready? 1, 2, 3!
Alexa : Nothing, nothing.
Henry : Alright. I'm gonna try it one more time. One... two... three!
[Jocko the walrus pukes on Alexa]
Henry : Yikes, that's a lot of vomit!
Alexa : This is why I got into this business, to save sea animals.
Henry : [High-fives Jocko] Yeah, buddy. I knew you were gonna burp but the vomit thing was awesome! That's what she gets for eating my roast beef sandwich.
Henry : Let me ask you something, Alexa. If you made a promise to a girl's dad that you would not see her anymore... would you consider that like a binding promise?
Alexa : Absolutely.
Henry : Yeah?
Alexa : But then again, there are always ways around such things.
Henry : Like?
Alexa : For example. If I promised a woman's father I would not see her... I would simply shut my eyes, while she serviced my manhood.
[Jocko the walrus, slaps his face]
Henry : That's actually a cool way to look at it. And a very gross way.
[Alexa's smile drops]
Henry : I need you to get me two fish from the barrel. Now.
Alexa : Okay.
Henry : Just hang in there.
Alexa : Here.
Henry : It's gonna be alright. That's a little warm. Go to the bottom of the barrel please. Okay, there. That's good. Thank you. Come on, buddy. Take it. Take it.
Alexa : He's not responding!
Henry : I know, Alexa! Sorry I smacked you with that. You needed the fish-slap to calm down. Do you understand?
Alexa : Yes.
Henry : Are you calm?
Alexa : Yes. Fish-slap calm me.
Alexa : [to Henry] I guess I prefer sausage to taco.