Janice Kawaye credited as playing...
Jenny • XJ9 • Tammy • Baby • Girl #2 • XJ1 • Apple • Baby Sheldon • Boy • Carol • Elf #2 • Female Bully • Girl #1 • Girl #3 • Girl #4 • Kid • Lady • Librarian • Singer
- Mad Hammer Brother #2: I still can't see why we can't blow up the roller rink.
- Mad Hammer Brother #1: Because everyone's here, Spaz.
- Mad Hammer Brother #2: You're the Spaz.
- Mad Hammer Brother #1: No, you are.
- Mad Hammer Brother #2: You stink like a monkey butt.
- Mad Hammer Brother #1: *You* stink like an elephant butt.
- Mad Hammer Brother #2: *You* stink like a Spaz butt.
- Jenny: I hate to "Butt" in, but I think it's time for this to end.
- Mad Hammer Brothers: You're too late, Spazbot!
- [about Jenny's goofy eyes]
- Mrs. Wakeman: I don't think you look dweeb I think you look very p-hat!
- Jenny: It's pronounced "fat" mother.
- Jenny: After all the bad stuff I said...
- XJ8: That's what sisters are for.
- XJ6: Oil is thicker than water.
- XJ4: But so much harder to get out of a carpet.
- XJ5: A few harsh words aren't going to break up the XJs.