10 of 15 found this to have none
The coach's wife drops a non-explicit line of innuendo about what she wants her husband to bring to her.
A group of teenage boys lure Radio into the girls' locker room. There is no nudity, but we do see girls wearing towels.
3 of 5 found this mild
Coach Jones arrives at practice to discover that various team players have locked Radio inside a shed (with his feet and hands taped together) and are throwing balls at the shed, terrifying Radio. Radio then trips as he flees the scene once Coach Jones releases him (the coach later punishes the players).
Football related collisions.
Radio is arrested and is slammed onto the back of a police car and is handcuffed.
8 of 12 found this mild
There is quite alot of language for a PG rated movie.
At least 14 "s" words, 10 hells, 2 craps, 2 damns and 1 use of "Jesus."
5 of 6 found this mild
Honeycutt may be chewing tobacco and spitting the juice out into a cup (we see the latter, but can't really tell about the former).
4 of 7 found this moderate
A few scenes where Radio looks quite frightened (for boys picking on him and being thrown in jail) might be a bit disturbing to some viewers, but they are not otherwise frightening. One scene where Radio is tied up by his legs and wrists and is gagged, the football team begins to taunt him. This scene can be rather intense.
Radio's mother dies of a heart attack. He tears up his room and is very emotional when Coach Jones tries to talk to him. This is a very emotional scene.