Anthony Mackie credited as playing...
Papa Doc
- Lyckety-Splyt: Listen up now! Leaders in the Free World in the motherfucking house. Me and Papa Doc will battle any motherfuckers here.
- Future: Fuck the Free World.
- Cheddar Bob: Yeah! Fuck the Free World!
- Lyckety-Splyt: Fuck the Free World? You 313 bitches is wack. Ayo, fat ass! Yeah, I'm talking about your man Sol. I better kick you in your chest and porkchops fall out your asshole. You cats is pussy, soft like wet flowers. Leaders of the Free World here to smash on you cowards. Look at Future.
- Future: Look, don't even start, nigga.
- Papa Doc: What you gonna do about it, faggot?
- Future: Who are you calling a faggot?
- Papa Doc: Don't play yourself, bitch.
- Lyckety-Splyt: Hold up! Yo, Elvis. You don't wanna step to this. You need to take that white rap shit of yours back across 8 Mile. Caught your choke act at the shelter last night.
- [Lyckety-Splyt started imitating a cough, Jimmy makes him fall in the car Hood, then a fight begins]