During the training, when Layla is assembling her Steyr Aug
assault rifle, the ammo magazine disappears and appears again while she talks to Clayton.
While training at The Farm, the recruits shoot at paper targets. When they are told to "stand and holster" and the targets reeled in, it can be seen that none of the paper targets have any holes in them.
During the lie detector test course, Layla can be seen looking in several directions (with her eyes only). However, on the monitor her eye keeps looking straight forward.
At the end of the torture test, Layla's jeans disappear and reappear in Clayton's hands between shots.
During the scene where Clayton is kidnapped and put in the "Breaking test" cell, he's seen with his hands at his side and un-cuffed. He even manages to throw his food at the door and punch it before sitting down still cuff-less, however, when the "guards" return to the room, he's lying on the floor with his hands re-cuffed behind his back.
Clayton, following a suspect, jumps out of a train which is standing in the station onto the rails on the other side of the platform. A public train will only have its platform doors open, never the doors that give access to the other railway.
The stars in the CIA Book of Honour at the Memorial Wall, are not black, they are gold.
Around 101 minutes, Clayton is in an abandoned warehouse, trying to remotely send an email and/or message to Langley (CIA Headquarters). However, he is attempting this with his laptop (which has no internet signal built within). Also there are no signals in the empty warehouse. This film is set present day, which is 2003 (when it was released). Evrm today, over 15 years later, the only way to do this would be using a cellphone or a satellite link; he certainly does not have this, and even if he did it requires you to be outside with a direct view of the sky. Obviously a mistake.
When James is entering Layla's secure work area, it sounds as if he enters 5 keys (each strike emits a beep), but only 4 coded (asterisks) marks appear. Many keypads require that either the pound or enter key be pressed after the code is entered. This also makes a beep, but does not cause an asterisk on the screen.
During the title sequence of the movie a website is shown where Clayton posts information about his missing father. If you look at the address bar of Opera's browser, it says "file:///vault1/projects/recruit/design/images/sourceimages/fakesite/htmled_site/page_02.html" - clearly a local reference to the "fake" website.
After graduating from the farm, Layla suddenly becomes a seasoned veteran, handling highly sensitive material and interacting with the security guard like they've known each other for years. Yet she has only been there for a week or so. There is no way that they would allow a green recruit with no real-world experience (or even any office experience) to handle such material.
Walter Burke tells James Clayton to meet him "at the Navy Yards". The place is actually called the "Navy Yard".
Clayton tells Layla that he is the NOC (non-official cover), and working undercover. This has no relevance when operating within the United States as he is simply a CIA employee and not acting as a spy overseas.
When Clayton exits the boxing hall and heads to the telephone, the camera is reflected in the glass door on the right-hand side.
When Clayton enters Langley with his car you can see the camera reflected in the car roof in the overhead shot.
When James is waiting for Layla to come out of CIA with the stolen software, he parks his truck on a lower level just next to the entrance. a) There is no such lower level near the CIA Langley entrance (even at a far away distance). b) If you park or mistakenly drive into the area near the entrance, in no time you would see gun trotting cops knocking on your windshield.
Swiss car plates never have letters, and no scene taking place in Switzerland was made here.
When Burke is telling Clayton about his start in the CIA, he says he is "fresh out of Ocala, Florida", but he mispronounces his hometown "Ocala" as "OH-kuh-luh" when it's actually pronounced "Oh-Cal-Uh".
When the recruits are playing poker, Clayton sees Zack's raise. Ronnie then folds. At that point, the betting should have stopped, but Zack then bets again and Clayton sees and raises his bet, which causes Zack to fold.
After the recruits arrive at the farm and are assembled together for the first time, the Walter Burke character is introduced to the group as senior instructor, Walter Birch.