Anne Hathaway credited as playing...
Allison Lang
- Emily: What if it's like we're on our death beds and looking back at our lives... and looking at all the guys we've liked, loved and just fucked... and it turns out, that the whole time, like we were supposed to be together.
- Allison: [Pushes Emily over and gets on top of her] I don't think I could go down on you.
- Allison: I can't believe you think Emily got raped and I just hung around and watched.
- Stuart Lang: No one's saying that.
- Robert Shapiro: Detective, Allie can't be of any use to you. She didn't see anything, she can't identify anybody.
- Allison: This is insane. I don't know anything about a rape.
- Stuart Lang: You were arrested! With crack dealers!
- [walks to the other end of the counter next to Joanna]
- Joanna Lang: [after a long pause] Maybe this hasn't been the easiest place to live, lately.
- Stuart Lang: [walks back over across from Allison] Alright, so we talk about it. That's what we're supposed to do. One of us has a problem, we all talk it over.
- Allison: [rolling her eyes in disbelief] Oh, right! Who are you kidding? Who can ever talk to you when you're never even here?
- Stuart Lang: [raising his voice] Well, I'm gonna' make it easier for you to find me - you're grounded!
- Joanna Lang: [to Stuart] Hasn't she already suffered enough...
- Allison: Yes, besides, what good would it do...
- [notices that her Mom has gotten a pot and two cans of soup]
- Allison: Wha...? I don't want any soup, Mom!
- Stuart Lang: [leaning towards her over the counter] What were you doing downtown in the first place?
- Allison: [looking straight at him] I was sick of this phony life.
- Joanna Lang: [upset, but trying to calm everyone] Alright, stop it, stop it, both of you. This whole thing is gonna just go away.
- [with determination]
- Joanna Lang: "Tomato", or "chicken with rice"?
- Allison: Inside the circle and out, we live very sheltered lives... So we dress gangsta, we talk shit, so what? It's our thing. See basically, the thing to remember is that none of it really matters, we're just teenagers and we're bored.
- [grinds with Toby at each pause]
- Allison: We are totally... fucking... bored.
- Hector: Want something?
- Allison: Uh, yeah... no I don't... um, no... I don't know. Not really.
- Hector: What are you smiling at?
- Allison: I'm just uh, smiling.
- Hector: [gestures toward Sasha and Amanda in the back seat of the SUV] What are your friends smiling at?
- Allison: I think... they're having a nervous breakdown?
- Emily: [Emily, Amanda, and Sasha approach Allison at her locker the morning after her arrest with Hector and his gang] Ally, you are soo fucking down!
- Sasha: Yeah, like doing hard time and shit...
- Allison: [trying hard to be modest] No, no, it wasn't like that...
- Amanda: Come on, I heard you hit a cop and you got into a knife fight!
- Allison: Na, no-no guys. It was more like uh... detention.
- [tosses her purse into her locker and flings it shut]
- Allison: See ya later!
- [puts her arm around Emily's waist and the two of them walk away]
- Amanda: [watches them leave] Bye...
- Sasha: So, I wonder what Daddy thought!
- Amanda: [rolls her eyes] Please! Daddy waved his magic wand and it went away.
- Allison: Both are examples of legal profiteering from illegal activities.
- Teacher: You want to connect the dots?
- Allison: Economics and ethics, don't mix. Um, individuals and governments. Both pursue their own self-interest often, uh, carelessly and no one's really willing to take responsibility for anything.
- Allison: [moaning sexually] Oh, God! My nipples are hard! Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh my God! Eric! Eric! Eric, hooking up with you would feel so good! Ohh!
- Eric: Do you ever take anything seriously?
- Allison: How do you know I'm not taking this seriously?
- [she laughs]
- Eric: Because this is a fucked-up power game.
- Allison: Games are fun...
- Runaway: [another girl throws up] You don't got any Dilaudid shoved up your ass to stop her from doing that?
- Allison: Uh, no.
- Runaway: [she and Desiree stand up and face Allison] Positive?
- Allison: [with a fake smile] You can check if you like.
- Desiree: [laughs and hits runaway in the shoulder]
- Runaway: [walking away] Yeah, in your dreams!
- Female Cop #2: [Female Cop opens the door] Allison Lange?
- Allison: Yeah?
- Female Cop #2: Your parents are here.
- [Runaway gives Allison an envious look]
- Desiree: [as Allison stands up to leave, Desiree comes over and confronts her and points at her incredulously] Bitch got parents?
- Hector: What you want cabacha?
- Allison: Why did you do that to us last night?
- Hector: Do what? Huh? We did exactly what you wanted us to do. You wanted into 16th Street and you didn't fucking make it.
- Allison: You think that Emily wanted that?
- Hector: Who? Emily?
- Allison: Yeah you know her.
- Hector: Emily, cual es Emily?
- [friend makes a motion to indicate small]
- Hector: Oh, si, la chiquita, la putita, huh. Yeah yeah, the one who got drunk and fucking played us like Punk'd.
- Allison: No, that wasn't a game to her!
- Hector's Girl: [Comes out of the bedroom wearing a bedsheet] Hector.
- Hector: [turns to girlfriend] Un motito.
- Allison: [looks at girlfriend then gives Hector a withering look]
- Hector: What you thought? You thought, like, I was in love you or something, huh? Is that what it is? I don't know where you belong, but it ain't here, girl.
- Allison: Fine.
- [turns and walks out]