Britney Spears credited as playing...
- [last lines]
- Lucy Wagner: This time, we didn't make any wishes for the future. We said goodbye to our past. Now, none of us has any idea where life's gonna take us, 'cause what we have is now. And right now, we have each other.
- [in the hotel bathroom]
- Lucy Wagner: We are at a hotel with a murderer!
- Mimi: He's not a murderer okay? It's just a rumor!
- [they all peek out the door where Ben is playing his guitar on the bed]
- Ben: Hey, Whats up?
- [the girls wave and go back inside the door]
- Lucy Wagner: She said that I was a mistake, and that he made her have me, and that she never wanted me.
- [Lucy starts undressing, then stops]
- Henry: What's wrong? Why are you stopping?
- Lucy Wagner: Henry, this isn't how I planned it would be.
- Henry: That's funny, because this is exactly how I planned it to be!
- Lucy Wagner: Tucson seems like a really nice city.
- Caroline: It is.
- Caroline: Can I, uh, ask you why you're here, Lucy?
- Lucy Wagner: I wanted to see you.
- Caroline: And why was that, Lucy?
- Lucy Wagner: Well, you're my mother.
- Caroline: Lucy.
- Lucy Wagner: Why do you keep saying my name like that?
- Lucy Wagner: Pop, I don't want to be like her.
- [Lucy takes off her necklace]
- Pete: Well, we will just get back home and everything will be back to normal. You just wait and see.
- Lucy Wagner: Don't make me do what see did. Don't make me run. Just let me go. Ok?
- [Lucy gives her Dad the necklace then gets out of the cab]