11 of 40 found this moderate
Lots of sex, mostly without nudity shown. In one scene a man stands naked talking to a woman for a while and his butt is shown.
A man and a woman have sex: the woman is on top of the man thrusting (we see her bare back) and the man moans.
A man and a woman have sex: the man thrusts on top of the woman and we only see their bare backs.
A man and a woman have sex in a shower: we see rhythmic movement (no nudity).
A woman climbs onto a man's lap and kisses him, we see a theater filled with couples kissing, a man and a woman kiss romantically a few times, a man crawls across a table to kiss a woman and she licks his face, we see the silhouette of a man and a woman kissing, and we see quick clips of a man kissing two different women in many different settings.
A man and a woman kiss while lying on a sofa (her leg is wrapped around his waist), we hear panting and moaning, and another woman walks in on them.
We see a fully nude man from the back several times in several scenes.
A man opens his pants zipper and presumably removes his penis (we don't see anything as usual) making a sexual suggestion to the woman.
A woman invites a man to have sex with her, a young boy asks a young girl to lick his private parts, and a man makes sexual sounds.
People talk on the radio about having anal sex.
7 of 15 found this moderate
A man is dragged into the back of a car and strangled (his legs flail around until he dies).
A man shoots two men then drags another man out of a car and shoots him (there is blood all over him).
A man is shot a few times and we see bloody holes in his clothing.
Two men hold guns on a man, then we see the man dead on the ground with blood on his head and sleeve.
A man sits on a diving board over a swimming pool and the water below him fills with blood.
A man shoots a man and leaves him dead on the ground, and a woman is shot in the back.
A man gags and falls on the floor unable to move, and a woman gags and falls to the floor gasping and trembling. There are quick clips of a man killing several people in several scenes.
We see that a man is imagining a studio filled with people dead and covered with blood.
A man is hit in the head with a gun (we see him later with a bandaged nose and black eyes), a woman punches a man in the face, and a man is punched in the nose.
A man holds a gun to a man's head.
9 of 14 found this severe
54 F-words, 13 sexual references, 1 explicit hand gesture, 12 scatological terms, 14 anatomical terms (including two uses of "p***y"), 7 mild obscenities, 1 derogatory term for African-Americans, 1 derogatory term for homosexuals, 1 religious profanity, 9 religious exclamations.
7 of 11 found this mild
Incidental smoking and drinking. References to marijuana and alcoholism.
5 of 11 found this mild