When Sam is driving Cassie home for the first time, we see his vehicle turning before we hear her voice telling him where to turn.
When Cassie first looks at the blurry picture of Richard from the ATM there is a Range Rover in the background (to the left) but when we see the picture later, after it has been cleaned up, the Range Rover is gone.
Justin tells Richard to give him the surgical gloves. Richard already has one of the gloves fully on, yet hands both to Richard without taking it off.
When Cassie is testing her theory by busting the clock on the deck of her house boat you see a boat come by leaving a large wake yet her boat remains stationary and doesn't rock from the waves.
Cassie is in the parole board's system by her current legal name, Cassie Mayweather, as we see on the notification form for the parole hearing and the address on the envelope it came in. However, when she is called into the hearing, she is paged by her former name, Jessica Marie Hudson.
The scene with Chris Penn feeding the "baboon" - Baboons are not native to North America/not found in the wild. This would be categorized as an illegally trafficked animal.
It is said that there are no fingerprints from Justin or Richard, but they are shown carrying Olivia's dead body wrapped in plastic to the car and neither of them have gloves on, thus there should have been fingerprints from Richard and Justin found on the plastic that the dead body was wrapped in.
The lawn timer has the sprinklers going off at 3:30 in the afternoon, which at the hottest time of day with the greatest evaporation. No one does this. Rather, they set the sprinklers to run at night.
When Cassie wakes up in the hospital, the nurse leaves and the sound of the door closing is heard. Yet when the camera focuses on Sam in the chair, the door behind him is open.
When Justin and Richard are at the bluff (after Justin hits Richard) and Justin is walking away, you can see crew/equipment in the car window, closest to the screen (furthest away from Justin.)
During the interrogation scenes, there is a flashback to Justin dumping the body. In the close -up shot of his boots, the camera equipment's shadow can faintly be seen to his right.
The active ingredient in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, not "tetrahedral chloride" as identified in the film, other than the comparison to pot, the character's description of absinthe is otherwise correct
As seen at 23:50. Richard's electric guitar is a no-name low-dollar item. A kid as rich as this would have a very high-end item.