S.W.A.T. (2003)
Larry Poindexter: Capt. Thomas Fuller
[about Hondo's S.W.A.T. selection]
Capt. Thomas Fuller : Sanchez is a woman and Street, well he's on my shit list
Hondo : Hey! I'm on your shit list too and I'm the team captain.
Hondo : 10-David, this is 70-David.
Capt. Thomas Fuller : 70-David, where the hell are you?
Hondo : We are somewhere around Sixth and Trenton. We lost communication in the tunnels. Where's our backup?
Capt. Thomas Fuller : [**POSSIBLE SPOILER**] Everything I have is going to Hawthorne Airport. That's where your friends Gamble and T.J. McCabe are headed.
Hondo : That's the other side of town! Send a couple units to pick us up.
Capt. Thomas Fuller : PICK YOU UP? For all I know you're in on this! I got a good mind to bring you in!
Hondo : [to Street, Sanchez, and Deke] Like hell. Come on, let's go.
Capt. Thomas Fuller : Nice job.
Hondo : Don't sound so happy.
Capt. Thomas Fuller : Still got a problem. He's still here.
[Gestures towards Alex Montel]
Chris : Road trip?
Street : [Beaten up from the fight with Gamble] Road trip.
Hondo : Yeah... road trip. Guess you'll have to fire us later.
[Street spits blood out of his mouth, team walks away toward arriving SWAT truck with Fuller smiling at the team for once in the whole movie]
Capt. Thomas Fuller : Sometimes doing the right thing isn't doing the right thing.
Sgt. Howard : What the hell is that supposed mean?
Velasquez : We have ID'd those suspects.
Capt. Thomas Fuller : Great! Who are they?
Velasquez : Former officer Gamble and Officer T.J. McCabe.
Capt. Thomas Fuller : Gamble, as in Street's ex-partner, Gamble?
Velasquez : Roger.
Capt. Thomas Fuller : We have got two SWAT-trained guys leading this attack. How do we know the rest of the team isn't in on it?
Velasquez : Because I can vouch for Hondo.
Capt. Thomas Fuller : You wanna bet 100 million dollars on that?
Brian Gamble : [getting chewed out by Fuller for his stunt at the bank] That woman is alive because of what we did!
Capt. Thomas Fuller : Yeah, alive and suing the city for millions. The Chief said if he's gonna pay, somebody else does, too, and it sure as hell isn't gonna be me.
Brian Gamble : C'mon Fuller we get...
Capt. Thomas Fuller : [Interrupting] *Captain* Fuller.
Brian Gamble : Captain Fuller, we get two seconds to make a decision! You get two months to sit there and tear it apart!
Velasquez : SWAT means "Special Weapons *And* Tactics". Where were your tactics out there?
Street : Saving a woman from getting shot. That's where are tactics were.
Brian Gamble : Yeah, every cop in this department knows that we did the right thing.
Capt. Thomas Fuller : Sometimes, doing the right thing isn't doing the right thing.
Sgt. Howard : What the hell does that mean?
Capt. Thomas Fuller : Sergeant?
[Fuller turns to Street and Gamble]
Capt. Thomas Fuller : You disobeyed a direct order, end of story. You're both off SWAT.
Velasquez : Captain. They're two of our best officers.
Capt. Thomas Fuller : Well I'm not sticking them back in the field after a stunt like that.
Brian Gamble : [Becoming angry] Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know that saving lives was goddamn stunt!
Capt. Thomas Fuller : [Becoming angrier] Hey, you've got a big mouth, and apparently you're quick on the trigger, and *that* is why your ass is in a sling!
Velasquez : Captain Fuller, if you're really gonna put them off SWAT at least keep them in the division. Give'em a shot at getting back.
Capt. Thomas Fuller : [pause] Fine, stick'em in the gun cage. Get'em out of my sight.
Capt. Thomas Fuller : The Chief is *making* me take you back. He's concerned about losing all his best officers to other cities.
Hondo : He thinks that I'm one of his best officers?
Capt. Thomas Fuller : But, he's given me complete oversight, and trust me, you've got no room for error.
[Looking at the files]
Capt. Thomas Fuller : So, I will give you Boxer, T.J. McCabe and this new guy, uh, Deacon Kay. I'm gonna pass up the other 2. Sanchez is a woman and Street? Well, Street's on my shit list.
Hondo : Hey, *I'm* on your shit list too, and I'm the team leader.
Capt. Thomas Fuller : You work for *me* now, and it's *my* team to choose.
Hondo : With all due respect, Captain, other leaders get to pick their teams.
Capt. Thomas Fuller : And you can too, just pick two new people.
Hondo : Look. Just give me the team I asked for. You can even call it your *shit list* team. That way, if anything goes wrong, you can put all the blame on me. It'll be just like old times.
Capt. Thomas Fuller : Okay. Okay, you got your team.
[Puts the files together]
Capt. Thomas Fuller : But, when you fail, and you probably will fail, Sanchez goes back to Traffic, and you and your boy Street are plain gone.
[Hondo shrugs in disgust]
Capt. Thomas Fuller : No, not just off S.W.A.T., off the force. You *feel* me?
Hondo : Oh yeah, I *feel* you.