The film takes place in 1977.
This Disney Channel Movie The Color of Friendship 2000 actually used the uncensored controversial word "Nigger" 2 times in the film which is considered offensive to African Americans and can even be heard in the Disney Plus release uncensored. This is the only Disney Channel film to use the N word.
Mahree Bok's name in real life was Carrie. From an interview with Piper Dellums, "In real life, Carrie helped form the first anti-apartheid student underground movement when she returned to South Africa, Dellums said, but was soon arrested for her organizing. She wrote letters asking for Rep. Dellums' help, but then communication from Carrie ceased. After attempts to reach her through official channels failed, Dellums and her family assume that Carrie was killed as a result of her activism."
The real Erik Dellums, son of former Congressman Ron Dellums, appears in a cameo.