This docudrama has a lot of good genuine footage of conditions in post WW1 Germany as well as footage of the young and growing Nazi party and its leaders. I disagree with estimates from another reviewer who counted only three or four staged scenes. There are quite a few as a matter of fact and, to me, this spoils it as a documentary. There is a staged scene showing 'Hitler' running away from the police after the (staged) shooting scene during the Beer Hall Putsch. There is another staged scene showing 'SS Men' knocking down the door of a dissident and shooting him in his home in front of his 'family'. Another shows a dissident being grabbed and gagged before he could make a speech from his balcony. There are others showing 'Nazi agitators' making speeches to disillusioned Germans. Another shows 'Hitler' in silhouette evidently contemplating his next barbaric move..........etc. etc.....all of which almost crosses the line between documentary and simple entertainment. For a history buff like myself, I find these staged scenes distracting and unnecessary not to mention damaging to the movie's overall credibility. Good entertainment but lousy as an educational tool, in my opinion. Also the musical score is excessive in its use of constant, high volume crescendos and arpeggios with violins and horns racing with such intensity and urgency it is very close to a complete cacophony. This, coupled with the staged scenes almost suggests more melodrama than documentary.