1 of 2 found this mild
Some sexual conversation.
A scene of very heavy kissing between a priest and a lay woman.
An underage prostitute gets into a truck with a man but a priest intervenes before anything sexual happens.
1 of 1 found this moderate
Most of the violent action takes place offscreen. What is listed below is mostly the results.
We see a murdered drug dealer's body. Very bloody face and a small pool of blood under his head.
In a 1944 scene, a village in Europe is seen being bombed. We don't see anybody hit or killed except for a mother carrying her unconscious daughter. The scene is intense.
This isn't violent but a statue does cry blood and sensitive viewers could find it disturbing.
We see some wounded soldiers in a cart during a bombing raid. Some are missing limbs but are bandaged so there is no visible blood. Still, it could be disturbing to some viewers.
We see a homeless man briefly from a distance with a bloody wound on his head either dead or passed out.
We see a cigarette burn on a child's arm. The result of parental abuse.
1 of 2 found this severe
About 8 uses of f**k, 3+ uses of s**t, 3+ uses of goddamn, 1 use each of ass, assholes, whore, slut, slit (presumably a derogatory word for a woman), and balls (for male genitals "busting my balls") and possibly a few other milder profanities.
The words "Mick" and "Pollack" are each used once by a priest and although they not necessarily intended to be bigoted some Irish and Polish people might find them offensive.
Most of the profanity is in the first half of the film. Some of the swearing(although none of the F words) are used by priests.
1 of 1 found this severe
Scenes of alcohol consumption with at least on incidence of a priest getting drunk.
Several scenes of cigarette smoking.
We see a man shoot up another person with drugs(presumably heroin) in a bad neighborhood.
We see a man breathing into a paper bag possibly sniffing glue.
1 of 1 found this moderate
A priest discovers some Satanic drawings with a small amount of blood on them that are quite disturbing and blasphemous.
A bombing raid scene in 1944 is intense.
A priest visits a bad neighborhood and the conditions of poverty, drug abuse, and prostitution are quite disturbing.
The film as a whole is quite dramatically intense on a religious level.