The ships seen out of the doctor's office kept changing.
In the bedroom, after Thanksgiving dinner, Berta Davenport takes off her necklace twice.
When talking to his mother, Antwone puts his hand on her shoulder. In the next shot, it is not there.
When Davenport has a session with Antwone at his home, virtually all the props behind Davenport have minds of their own, including: the small dark table the fruit sits on, the lamp, a long table, which first is off to Davenport's rear-left with the lamp and some folders on it, then directly behind Davenport. Later, the folders move to Davenport's rear-right. Also, when Antwone first sits down he's holding his glass of cider but it suddenly appears on the desk in the very next shot. We would have seen him set it there because the scene has no breaks in it. The level of liquid seems to vary incorrectly in some shots.
The character of "Antwone Fisher" is shown reporting to his psychiatrist while on restriction. Any military personnel on restriction (or, confinement) is not allowed to wander freely from their assigned duty station while on restriction unless escorted by another person of a higher-ranking paygrade, including medical appointments.
Cheryl, Fisher's girlfriend, is seen working at the Navy Exchange. Navy Exchanges aren't staffed by members of the military.
Antwone and Cheryl are seen at the Point Loma Lighthouse at dusk. The landmark, a federal property, closes at 5:00 PM, before dusk even in the middle of winter.
Cheryl, Fisher's girlfriend, is seen wearing a "NAVY" ball cap. That wouldn't be an authorized uniform item, but ball caps with the name of the sailor's command, such as a ship, aviation squadron or shore facility on it, would be authorized.
Incorrectly Regarded As Goof: Cheryl's NAVY blue ballcap is not permitted with her uniform.
Article 3501.8 has long permitted not just "conservative" command specific ballcaps, but the blue (or tan) Navy hat, or the same but with the Navy seal.
She is shown in uniform when at work at the Exchange or otherwise on base.
Article 3501.8 has long permitted not just "conservative" command specific ballcaps, but the blue (or tan) Navy hat, or the same but with the Navy seal.
She is shown in uniform when at work at the Exchange or otherwise on base.
When Antwone and the doctor are leaving his house, Antwone is on the right of him, but junior military members are to be on the left and abreast with the senior member.
The last scene of the film was shot at Naval Air Station North Island, as evidenced by the flight suit-clad extra walking near them. Fisher would have been stationed at the naval station on 32nd Street in San Diego.
Antwone leaves his aunt's house to visit his mother and returns in the space of a couple of hours tops however his aunt has arranged for the entire family to be there and cooked an enormous feast in his brief absence.
Actor James Brolin is too old to be the captain of even a large warship. Most commanding officers of large ships in the US Navy are in their mid 40s; officers much older than that would have either been promoted or passed over for promotion, resulting in their honorable exit from the Navy.