Very Bad Things (1998)
Joey Zimmerman: Adam Berkow Jr.
[Adam Jr. falls to the ground]
Kyle Fisher : Give me your hand!
Adam Berkow Jr. : [yelling] I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!
Timmy Berkow : [to Adam Jr.] Come on... .get up!
Kyle Fisher : [to Adam Jr.] You don't reach out to me, I can't help you!
Timmy Berkow : [to Adam Jr.] Get up you little bitch!
Adam Berkow Jr. : [yells at Kyle] BEAT IT!
Kyle Fisher : [to Adam Jr.] Give me your hand!... ... your new mommy's coming. Your new mommy's coming. Your new mommy's... ...
[Kyle falls over in his wheelchair and is dragging himself to Adam Jr. as a quadriplegic Charles looks on]
Kyle Fisher : [as he's crawling to Adam Jr. on his own stumps] Come on, come on Adam, we're going to make it. Let's talk about our feelings!
Adam Berkow Jr. : [yelling] I HATE YOU AND YOUR BITCH WIFE!
[Adam Jr. sees a legless Kyle is getting closer to him]
Adam Berkow Jr. : Get your own crutch stump boy!
[Laura comes outside to the commotion, which triggers her nervous breakdown]
Timmy Berkow : [to Laura in a sarcastic voice] Did you at least clean the bathroom? It better be spotless!
Kyle Fisher : [to Adam Jr.] Let's talk about our feelings! How do we feel?
Kyle Fisher : [to Laura] A little help?
Kyle Fisher : [Kyle is on top of Adam Jr and is hugging him and cradling his head] It's a safe place! It's a safe place!
Adam Berkow Jr. : I can't breathe asshole!
Kyle Fisher : [to Laura] A little help please!
Adam Berkow Jr. : [to Kyle] Let go of me you gimp!
Kyle Fisher : [to Laura] A little help!
[Laura runs away screaming in horror]
Kyle Fisher : [to Laura as she is running] A little help? Want to help me with the wheelchair?
[Laura continues to run away screaming]