94 of 183 found this mild
There is a lip kiss scene that lasts about three seconds.
Mystique is naked under the blue paint over her entire body, but nipples and labia are not visible.
Mystiques nude back is shown but nothing else.
There is some sexual banter between Logan & Jean Grey.
55 of 85 found this moderate
PG-13 violence type: blood, brutal and graphic.
The film contains a number of intense and rapid fight scenes, although there is not many since it focuses on the story much more than the action.
Rogue has the power to kill people by physical contact. She kisses a boy briefly and nearly kills him. She says that he is in the hospital with a coma.
Wolverine fights two men in a cage match in a bar, there is punching, throwing, kicking ect but most of it is in quick cuts and from a distance so that we see very little detail. It is more injurious than it superficially appears considering Wolverine is punching with fists reinforced with their skeletal frame reinforced by super-hand metal.
A car crashes and Wolverine smashes out of the windscreen, his is then picked up and thrown against the car. Bloody marks are seen on his forehead, although he heals instantly.
Storm is picked up by her throat and briefly choked, Magneto uses his psychokinesis to throw people and objects about.
Professor Charles Xavier is violently poisoned as a result of Mystique injecting a dark green serum into Cerebro; Shocking & Emotional. He is then seen lying on a hospital bed, but appears to be fine at the end of the film.
Toad jumps on two people. It's implied that they are crushed under his weight, but this is offscreen.
Magneto magnetically lifts Logan/Wolverine into the air and violently/brutally bends his metal claws, causing him pain, then tosses him into a metal door, leaving him briefly unconscious.
A long fight scene between the X-men and three of the enemies, there is no blood or gore, just punching, throwing etc.
74 of 103 found this mild
1 use of "shit", 1 use of "dick", 1 use of "balls", 1 use of "son of a bitch", 3 uses of "damn", 5 uses of "hell"
One use of "shit".
one use of "balls".
One use of "dick".
Wolverine sticks up his middle claw at Cyclops. Done for laughs.
One use of son of a bitch
63 of 78 found this mild
Wolverine is smoking a cigar in a few scenes at the beginning of the film.
Wolverine buys a bottle of beer but gets distracted after drinking almost none of it.
One scene is set in a bar where people can be seen drinking and smoking in the background.
49 of 84 found this moderate
The film isn't like a typical MCU "Superhero" movie, but more of a Dark Psychological Character Drama with Superheroic elements. The overall tone and look of the film is bleak, depressing, and intimidating.
The opening scene set in Poland during WW2 may be found upsetting as a young boy is separated from his mother by soldiers.
A few mildly intense scenes.
Some briefly seen flashbacks to experiments on Wolverine may be found slightly upsetting.
The appearances of Sabertooth, Mystique, & Toad could be considered frightening & intimidating to some.
The entire finale atop the Statue of Liberty, between The X-Men and The Brotherhood, is Fast, Visceral, Intense, and Very Suspenseful (see 'Violence/Gore' section for more details).