The address of the apartment complex where they stay is around 12000, but from the street the address is 425.
Rita's hair switches from over her shoulder to on her back when she speaks to Vivian before they tell Rita's parents what she has, or hasn't learned at nurses school.
When Rita is checking Mickey's pulse on the shot facing him is arm is on the table. On the shot facing her, his arm is raised off the table.
In the scene in the laundry room when Viv meets the girl with the nose job, she is taking the laundry out of the dryer. When we see her take the second item out of the dryer you can clearly see that the dryer still has items in it. But in the next shot she kicks the dryer door shut and picks up the laundry basket to leave.
When Vivian's brother steals food from her plate several times in the Sizzler, he reaches with his left hand, but it is a right hand that grabs the food in the reverse shot.
In Vivian's two nude scenes, her breasts are obviously (different) body doubles. The breasts of the doubles differ greatly from each other, in terms of size and shape. Also, her face is never shown during these scenes.
In the closing credits, the word "Soundtrack" is spelled incorrectly as "Sountrack".
At the airport, a Boeing 737 flies overhead. Although the logo isn't visible, the colors are unmistakably those of Southwest Airlines. Southwest Airlines did not serve Los Angeles until the 1980s.
A 1979 Lincoln Continental Mark V is seen when the family's in the parking garage. The story's set in 1976.