During the initial bank robbery, Darnell is holding a hostage in a headlock. He is to the right of the hostage and facing teller Frankie. He has his revolver pressed against the right temple of the hostage. He fires the gun and in the next scene, the hostage falls to the ground and a gunshot wound can be seen on the left temple of the hostage. The right temple can also be seen, but it is absent of any marks or wounds.
When Stony's brother is murdered the same police officers on the scene are the same officers investigating the bank robberies. The murder was a State crime, bank robbery is a Federal crime. The same officers would not be investigating both of those crimes.
Numerous errors in gun visual/sound effects and operation. During the final bank shootout, Stony's gun runs out of ammunition (evidenced by the slide locking back). However, she continues to pull the trigger generating a "click click" sound. Modern semi-automatic pistols such as the Glock Stony is using do not return the trigger to a ready-to-fire position until the slide closes and another round is chambered. Therefore, it is impossible to generate several audible clicks with an empty weapon.
When they rob the bank for $290,000 she says they each will split $75,000 4 ways. $290,000 divided by 4 is $72,500 each. $75,000 split 4 ways would mean they stole $300,000. It's simple math and nobody caught it including the writer, director, not one the of the actresses caught it, let alone the post production people.
While having dinner with Keith, Stony says she's never been to New York. Later when the women meeting the Godfather parody scene it's said that Stony is from the Bronx, this is because in true fashion of the mob each of the women are given nicknames. T.T is "T.T. from Detorit", Stony is "Stony from the Bronx", Cleo is "Cleomensa" and Frankie is the Don.
When T.T has just died and Stony is kissing her forehead to leave her in the SUV, you can see her still breathing as the door is being closed.
When Cleo breaks into the car and is opening the door, T.T. opens the back door before it could possibly be unlocked by Cleo.
When Cleo crashes through the bank with the SUV and picks up the girls, the tire marks can be seen already in the carpet before they reverse and crash into the adjacent restaurant.
In the bank robbery scene there are signs at the teller windows for FIDC. It should be FDIC, which stands for Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
At the end when Stoney calls Keith he is casually working at his desk. It is implausible he would still be working at the bank because the police would have made the connection he had to Stoney. He took her to the banker's party, introduced her to his co-workers, and he wasn't present when the bank robbery occurred. She was the only one that got away, so her name and picture would have been all over the news, and someone would have recognized her as the woman Keith brought to the party. At a minimum, he would probably have been suspended pending an investigation. Frankie was fired from her bank job just because she knew one of the bank robbers from the neighborhood.
On her arrest record, Cleopatra "Cleo" Sims is called "Katz, Deana". No where else in the movie does it refer to an alias.
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