End credits finish with: Jay and Silent Bob will return in "Chasing Amy"
La Fours' security team (the one that arrests Brodie and TS at the stage after the "stinkpalm" bit) is listed as Team LaFours (at their request).
As with Kevin Smith's "Askewniverse" movies, the credits end with one of Jason Mewes' lines from the film. This time, he says, "Come, Son of Jor-El! Kneel before Zod! Snootchie bootchies--hehehehehhh!"
The director would like to thank:
God - for another opportunity to tell my stupid stories.
Scott - for deciding not to hike around the world.
Jim - for treating us like the Coens as opposed to the twenty-something know-nothings we really are.
Sean - for bringing a pedigree to the project.
Pierson - for keeping me pure.
Mom and dad - for having sex all those years ago
Kristin - for playing "Rene" to my "Brodie" far too many times than she should have.
Bob - for laughing during the pitch.
Dave - for even prettier pictures than the first bunch.
Walt - for being the "Brodie" template, dixie cup and all.
Joey - for being my "equiator."
The cast and crew - for humoring me.
The front credit artists - for lending us phat credibility in the world of comics.
Cotty - for the cool book
Fitz - for the fan-boy trading cards
The audience - for showing up.
And lastly...
John Landis and John Hughes - for giving me something to do throughout my youth on friday nights.
In the opening credits, when the actors are introduced, artwork depicts them as parodies of comic book characters.